Spotify Track Previews
Artist : Elbow
Album : Little Fictions
Released : 2017-02-03
Number of tracks : 10
01  Magnificent (She Says)
02  Gentle Storm
03  Trust the Sun
04  All Disco
05  Head for Supplies
06  Firebrand & Angel
07  K2
08  Montparnasse
09  Little Fictions
10  Kindling

Selected Albums :  Cast Of Thousands (Deluxe Edition)  Dead in the Boot  Giants of All Sizes  Leaders Of The Free World (Deluxe Edition)  Little Fictions  Little Fictions (Fickle Flame Version)  Live From Spotify London  Live at The Ritz - An Acoustic Performance  The Take Off And Landing Of Everything  build a rocket boys!  dead in the boot  live at jodrell bank