Spotify Track Previews
Artist : Guided By Voices
Album : Under The Bushes Under The Stars
Released : 1996-03-26
Number of tracks : 24
01  Man Called Aerodynamics
02  Rhine Jive Click
03  Cut-Out Witch
04  Burning Flag Birthday Suit
05  The Official Ironmen Rally Song
06  To Remake The Young Flyer
07  No Sky
08  Bright Paper Werewolves
09  Lord Of Overstock
10  Your Name Is Wild
11  Ghosts Of A Different Dream
12  Acorns & Orioles
13  Look At Them
14  The Perfect Life
15  Underwater Explosions
16  Atom Eyes
17  Don’t Stop Now
18  Office Of Hearts
19  Big Boring Wedding
20  It’s Like Soul Man
21  Drag Days
22  Sheetkickers
23  Redmen And Their Wives
24  Take To The Sky

Selected Albums :  August by Cake  Class Clown Spots A UFO  Cool Planet  English Little League  How Do You Spell Heaven  Let's Go Eat The Factory  Motivational Jumpsuit  Please Be Honest  Space Gun  Suitcase 4: Captain Kangaroo Won the War  Surrender Your Poppy Field  Sweating the Plague  The Bears for Lunch  Warp and Woof  Zeppelin over China