Spotify Track Previews
Artist : Guided By Voices
Album : Vampire On Titus
Released : 1993
Number of tracks : 18
01  "Wished I Was A Giant"
02  #2 In The Model Home Series
03  Expecting Brainchild
04  Superior Sector Janitor X
05  Donkey School
06  Dusted
07  Marchers In Orange
08  Sot
09  World Of Fun
10  Jar Of Cardinals
11  Unstable Journey
12  E-5
13  Cool Off Kid Kilowatt
14  Gleemer
15  Wondering Boy Poet
16  What About It?
17  Perhaps Now The Vultures
18  Non - Absorbing

Selected Albums :  August by Cake  Class Clown Spots A UFO  Cool Planet  English Little League  How Do You Spell Heaven  Let's Go Eat The Factory  Motivational Jumpsuit  Please Be Honest  Space Gun  Suitcase 4: Captain Kangaroo Won the War  Surrender Your Poppy Field  Sweating the Plague  The Bears for Lunch  Warp and Woof  Zeppelin over China