Spotify Track Previews
Artist : New Order
Album : Brotherhood (Collector's Edition)
Released : 1986-09-29
Number of tracks : 18
01  Paradise
02  Weirdo
03  As It Is When It Was
04  Broken Promise
05  Way of Life
06  Bizarre Love Triangle
07  All Day Long
08  Angel Dust
09  Every Little Counts
10  State of the Nation
11  Bizarre Love Triangle - Shep Pettibone 12" Remix
12  1963 - 12" Version
13  True Faith - Shep Pettibone 12" Remix
14  Touched by the Hand of God - 12" Version
15  Blue Monday '88 - 12" Version
16  Evil Dust
17  True Faith - Eschreamer Dub
18  Blue Monday '88 Dub - 12" Version

Selected Albums :  Complete Music  Live at Bestival 2012  Lost Sirens  Music Complete  NOMC15  NOMC15 (Live)  Nomc15 (Live)  Waiting for the Sirens' Call  ∑(No,12k,Lg,17Mif) New Order + Liam Gillick: So it goes..  ∑(No,12k,Lg,17Mif) New Order + Liam Gillick: So it goes.. (Live at MIF)