Spotify Track Previews
Artist : Teenage Fanclub
Album : Here
Released : 2016-09-09
Number of tracks : 12
01  I’m in Love
02  Thin Air
03  Hold On
04  The Darkest Part of the Night
05  I Have Nothing More to Say
06  I Was Beautiful When I Was Alive
07  The First Sight
08  Live in the Moment
09  Steady State
10  It’s a Sign
11  With You
12  Connected to Life

Selected Albums :  A Catholic Education  Bandwagonesque (Remastered)  Grand Prix  Grand Prix (Remastered)  Here  Howdy! (Remastered)  Man-Made  Man-Made (Deluxe)  Shadows  Shadows (Deluxe)  Songs From Northern Britain  Songs From Northern Britain (Remastered)  Thirteen  Thirteen (Remastered)