Spotify Track Previews
Artist : The Sugarcubes
Album : Life's Too Good
Released : 1988-04-05
Number of tracks : 17
01  Traitor
02  Motorcrash
03  Birthday
04  Delicious Demon
05  Mama
06  Coldsweat
07  Blue Eyed Pop
08  Deus
09  Sick For Toys
10  F***ing In Rhythm & Sorrow
11  Taking Some Petrol
12  Cowboy
13  I Want...
14  Dragon (Icelandic)
15  Cat (Icelandic)
16  Coldsweat - Remix
17  Deus - Remix

Selected Albums :  Here Today, Tomorrow Next Week!  Here Today, Tomorrow, Next Week  It's - It  It's-It  Life's Too Good  Stick Around For Joy  The Great Crossover Potential