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Album Details  :  Benjamin Clementine    4 Albums     Reviews: 

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Benjamin Clementine
cornerstone Album: 1 of 4
Title:  Cornerstone
Released:  2013-06-10
Tracks:  3
Duration:  13:13

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Cornerstone  (04:31)
2   I Wont Complain  (04:40)
3   London  (04:01)
glorious_you Album: 2 of 4
Title:  Glorious You
Released:  2014-01-01
Tracks:  4
Duration:  18:26

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Condolence  (06:01)
2   Adios  (04:24)
3   Edmonton  (04:53)
4   Mathematics  (03:08)
at_least_for_now Album: 3 of 4
Title:  At Least for Now
Released:  2015-01-12
Tracks:  11
Duration:  50:54

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Winston Churchill’s Boy  (05:37)
2   Then I Heard a Bachelor’s Cry  (05:08)
3   London  (04:01)
4   Adios  (04:17)
5   St-Clementine-On-Tea-and-Croissants  (01:12)
6   Nemesis  (05:04)
7   The People and I  (05:16)
8   Condolence  (06:30)
9   Cornerstone  (04:31)
10  Quiver a Little  (04:42)
11  Gone  (04:32)
i_tell_a_fly Album: 4 of 4
Title:  I Tell a Fly
Released:  2017-09-15
Tracks:  11
Duration:  44:58

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Farewell Sonata  (04:35)
2   God Save the Jungle  (03:14)
3   Better Sorry Than Asafe  (05:32)
4   Phantom of Aleppoville  (06:30)
5   Paris Cor Blimey  (04:23)
6   Jupiter  (02:41)
7   Ode From Joyce  (02:05)
8   One Awkward Fish  (04:13)
9   By the Ports of Europe  (03:40)
10  Quintessence  (03:37)
11  Ave Dreamer  (04:28)

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