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Album Details  :  Bill MacKay    6 Albums     Reviews: 


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Bill MacKay
chatham_park Album: 1 of 6
Title:  Chatham Park
Released:  2014-05-01
Tracks:  5
Duration:  15:20

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1   Stay True  (01:59)
2   Gem  (02:56)
3   Promenade  (04:32)
4   If It Was Me  (02:43)
5   The Meadows  (03:10)
december_concert Album: 2 of 6
Title:  December Concert
Released:  2014-06-09
Tracks:  5
Duration:  30:31

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Orbits Unknown  (08:32)
2   Black Leaves  (06:52)
3   Per Ardua Ad Astrum  (07:40)
4   Wheat & Scythe  (03:52)
5   Tourniquet for a Season  (03:35)
land_of_plenty Album: 3 of 6
Title:  Land of Plenty
Released:  2015
Tracks:  7
Duration:  46:28

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   It Takes a Quilt  (11:37)
2   Rickshaw Waltz  (03:46)
3   Gold Season  (08:12)
4   Land of Plenty  (03:58)
5   Promise Me  (03:50)
6   Blues for Arthur  (08:47)
7   Silver Cup  (06:18)
esker Album: 4 of 6
Title:  Esker
Released:  2017-05-05
Tracks:  10
Duration:  32:34

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Aster  (01:30)
2   Twilight  (02:00)
3   Candy  (03:21)
4   Clementine Cotton  (03:52)
5   Persona  (03:08)
6   Powder Mill Park  (03:15)
7   Rise  (02:12)
8   The Hollows  (00:56)
9   Wail  (04:42)
10  Scarlets Return  (07:33)
hypnotic_pulse_of_the_reindeer_range Album: 5 of 6
Title:  Hypnotic Pulse of the Reindeer Range
Released:  2017-12-25
Tracks:  1
Duration:  27:52

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1   Hypnotic Pulse of the Reindeer Range  (27:52)
fountain_fire Album: 6 of 6
Title:  Fountain Fire
Released:  2019-03-22
Tracks:  8
Duration:  32:19

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Pre-California  (02:57)
2   Birds of May  (03:11)
3   The Movie House  (02:58)
4   Man & His Panic  (04:37)
5   Welcome  (04:31)
6   Try It On  (04:30)
7   Arcadia  (03:27)
8   Dragon Country  (06:03)

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