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Album Details  :  Brigid Mae Power    5 Albums     Reviews: 

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Brigid Mae Power
ode_to_an_embryo Album: 1 of 5
Title:  Ode to an Embryo
Released:  2011-06-11
Tracks:  5
Duration:  20:15

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1   The Waves Were Wild  (05:21)
2   Ode to an Embryo  (03:47)
3   The Grey in the Air  (03:45)
4   The Bull  (04:24)
5   She Moved Through the Fair  (02:56)
eee_tuts Album: 2 of 5
Title:  Eee Tuts
Released:  2013-08-28
Tracks:  5
Duration:  22:57

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1   Black-Eyed Hen  (02:17)
2   Heart Pinch  (03:57)
3   The Auld Triangle  (07:18)
4   Tiny You & Me  (08:01)
5   Pink Bird, Blue Egg  (01:21)
i_told_you_the_truth Album: 3 of 5
Title:  I Told You the Truth
Released:  2014-09-29
Tracks:  8
Duration:  34:34

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1   Where Are You Tonight?  (05:39)
2   I Need to Let You See  (03:41)
3   I Fell Where You Can’t See  (02:47)
4   I Don’t Know How to Do This Naturally  (04:27)
5   I Told You the Truth  (03:42)
6   Let Love  (03:59)
7   Before Your Call  (01:38)
8   Tiny You and Me  (08:38)
brigid_mae_power Album: 4 of 5
Title:  Brigid Mae Power
Released:  2016-06-10
Tracks:  8
Duration:  39:11

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   It’s Clearing Now  (07:39)
2   Sometimes  (05:06)
3   Let Me Hold You Through This  (03:30)
4   Is It My Low or Yours  (03:44)
5   Lookin at You in a Photo  (04:30)
6   I Left Myself for a While  (05:10)
7   Watching the Horses  (05:06)
8   How You Feel  (04:26)
the_two_worlds Album: 5 of 5
Title:  The Two Worlds
Released:  2018-02-09
Tracks:  10
Duration:  43:04

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Spotify   TrackSamples    AlbumCover   
1   I’m Grateful  (04:31)
2   Don’t Shut Me Up (Politely)  (05:20)
3   So You’ve Seen My Limit  (03:48)
4   On My Own With You  (03:45)
5   Is My Presence in the Room Enough for You?  (04:20)
6   Down on the Ground  (03:53)
7   Peace Backing Us Up  (03:53)
8   How’s Your New Home?  (04:55)
9   The Two Worlds  (04:08)
10  Let Me Go Now  (04:31)

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