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Album Details  :  Butthole Surfers    18 Albums     Reviews: 

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Butthole Surfers
Allmusic Biography : Arguably the most infamously named band in the annals of popular music -- for years, radio found their moniker unspeakable, and the press deemed it unprintable -- Butthole Surfers long reigned among the most twisted and depraved acts ever to bubble up from the American underground. Masters of calculated outrage, the group fused the sicko antics of shock rock with a distinct and chaotic mishmash of avant-garde, hardcore, and Texas psychedelia; sleazy, confrontational, and spiteful, songs like "The Revenge of Anus Presley," "Bar-B-Q Pope," and "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey Oswalds Grave" seemed destined to guarantee the Buttholes little more than a lifetime of cultdom. Yet, by the mid-90s, they were left-field Top 40 hitmakers, success perhaps their ultimate subversion of mainstream ideals.

The seeds of their formation dated back to 1977, when future frontman Gibby Haynes, the son of the Dallas-based childrens TV host known as "Mr. Peppermint," met guitarist Paul Leary while attending college in San Antonio. Four years later, Haynes -- then completing his graduate work in accounting -- and Leary formed the Ashtray Baby Heads, later dubbed Nine Foot Worm Makes Home Food; they became Butthole Surfers only after a radio announcer mistakenly took the title of an early song to be the groups name. In 1981, they signed to Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafras label Alternative Tentacles, and two years later issued their hallucinatory eponymous debut, also issued on colored vinyl under the name Brown Reason to Live.

After a number of bassists and drummers, the Surfers lineup fell into place in 1983 with the addition of drummers King Coffey (formerly of the Hugh Beaumont Experience) and Theresa Nervosa; at the same time, their bizarre live gigs -- a traveling freak show combining nude dancers, film clips of sex-change operations, and Haynes pyromaniacal behavior -- began to win a devout cult following, and in 1984 they issued the concert set Live PCPPEP. A move to the Chicago-based indie Touch & Go precipitated a turn toward even greater thematic offensiveness, as evidenced by tracks like "Concubine" and "Lady Sniff" from 1985s Psychic...Powerless...Another Mans Sac.

After the EP Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis, the Buttholes resurfaced in 1986 with Rembrandt Pussyhorse, a twisted trip into neo-psychedelia featuring a brutal deconstruction of the Guess Whos "American Woman," as well as new bassist Jeff "Tooter" Pinkus. The introduction of Haynes "Gibbytronix" vocal effects unit increased the level of dementia for 1987s Locust Abortion Technician, an extremist fusion of punk, metal, art rock, and worldbeat rhythms. Following 1988s faux-Zeppelin rant Hairway to Steven, the group issued Double Live, a mock bootleg released through their own Latino Bugger Veil imprint; after a pair of EPs, 1989s Widowermaker! and 1990s The Hurdy Gurdy Man, they remained uncharacteristically silent until 1991s uneven Pioughd, recorded for the Rough Trade label.

For many observers, the biggest shock in a career built on outrageous behavior arrived in 1992, when the Buttholes signed with major label Capitol, which promptly reissued Pioughd following the demise of Rough Trade. After entering the studio with producer and former Led Zep bassist John Paul Jones, they emerged in 1993 with the LP Independent Worm Saloon; the first single and video, "Who Was in My Room Last Night?," both garnered a surprising amount of airplay, much to the chagrin of the many media outlets which begrudgingly referred to the group as "BH Surfers." Following a series of side projects -- most notoriously Haynes group P, which also featured movie star Johnny Depp -- the band (now a trio consisting of Haynes, Leary, and Coffey) returned in 1996 with Electriclarryland, scoring a major chart hit with the trip-hop-flavored "Pepper." In 1998, they recorded a follow-up, After the Astronaut, but disputes between the Surfers and Capitol prevented the album from being released, though advance copies were sent to reviewers. Three years later, Butthole Surfers emerged with their first for Hollywood/Surfdog Records, Weird Revolution, which recycled some of the songs from After the Astronaut, but in new recordings.
live_pcppep Album: 1 of 18
Title:  Live PCPPEP
Released:  1984
Tracks:  7
Duration:  21:23

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1   Cowboy Bob (live)  (02:32)
2   Bar-B-Q-Pope (live)  (03:09)
3   Dance of the Cobras (live)  (00:34)
4   The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harveys Grave (live)  (02:26)
5   Wichita Cathedral (live)  (02:45)
6   Hey (live)  (02:17)
7   Something (live)  (07:38)
psychic_powerless_another_mans_sac Album: 2 of 18
Title:  Psychic... Powerless... Another Mans Sac
Released:  1984-12
Tracks:  15
Duration:  52:07

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1   Concubine  (02:30)
2   Eye of the Chicken  (01:37)
3   Dum Dum  (03:52)
4   Woly Boly  (02:45)
5   Negro Observer  (03:43)
6   Butthole Surfer  (03:07)
7   Lady Sniff  (03:48)
8   Cherub  (06:23)
9   Mexican Caravan  (02:45)
10  Cowboy Bob  (02:56)
11  Gary Floyd  (01:58)
12  Moving to Florida  (04:33)
13  Lou Reed  (05:01)
14  Two Part  (04:22)
15  Tornadoes  (02:41)
cream_corn_from_the_socket_of_davis Album: 3 of 18
Title:  Cream Corn from the Socket of Davis
Released:  1985
Tracks:  4
Duration:  16:26

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1   Moving to Florida  (04:32)
2   Comb  (04:58)
3   To Parter  (04:20)
4   Tornadoes  (02:36)
rembrandt_pussyhorse Album: 4 of 18
Title:  Rembrandt Pussyhorse
Released:  1986-04-11
Tracks:  9
Duration:  32:47

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1   Creep in the Cellar  (02:04)
2   Sea Ferring  (04:00)
3   American Woman  (05:33)
4   Waiting for Jimmy to Kick  (02:21)
5   Strangers Die Everyday  (03:08)
6   Perry  (03:32)
7   Whirling Hall of Knives  (04:44)
8   Mark Says Alright  (04:07)
9   In the Cellar  (03:18)
Rembrandt Pussyhorse : Allmusic album Review : Everything seems to start almost normally on Pussyhorse with "Creep in the Cellar," even with the rather gone violin line -- Haynes is intelligible, the piano part is quiet serene. Then again, Haynes is talking about the creep in question doing things like taking off his skin, so clearly all is still at least somewhat tweaked in Surferland. The rest of the album makes that pretty clear; if not quite as strong as Psychic...Powerless, Pussyhorse is still a strong slice of homegrown art/psychedelia gone to a murky hell. Gentler songs like "Sea Ferring" still have a distinct queasiness to them, its sea chanty feeling undercut by the nagging bassline and Haynes yelps. When the group goes totally nuts, as on a drum-blasting, squiggly voiced cover of the Guess Whos "American Woman" that makes the later Lenny Kravitz version seem like the redundant slice of nostalgia it is, no prisoners are taken. "Perry" is another definite nutter, with Haynes or somebody talking about this and that to his "baby" over a slow, organ-heavy groove. This said, the trick about Pussyhorse, and arguably why its slightly lesser than Psychic...Powerless, is its overall subtlety in comparison. Things are more dark and gloomy throughout, downright gothic, even, with the organ start and whispery lyrics of "Strangers Die Everyday" being a good example. Leary keeps his playing low and strange throughout, fitting in with new bassist Pinkus rather well as a result. Get past the slight surprise of not always hearing the Surfers going near-all out most of the time, though, and Pussyhorse is still mighty fine, whether talking about the drony guitar weirdness opening "Whirling Hall of Knives" or the echo-treated reprise of "In the Cellar." CD versions of Pussyhorse conveniently include the Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis EP.
rembrandt_pussyhorse_cream_corn_from_the_socket_of_davis Album: 5 of 18
Title:  Rembrandt Pussyhorse / Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis
Released:  1986-04-18
Tracks:  13
Duration:  49:12

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1   Creep in the Cellar  (02:04)
2   Sea Ferring  (04:00)
3   American Woman  (05:33)
4   Waiting for Jimmy to Kick  (02:21)
5   Strangers Die Everyday  (03:08)
6   Perry  (03:32)
7   Whirling Hall of Knives  (04:44)
8   Mark Says Alright  (04:07)
9   In the Cellar  (03:18)
10  Moving to Florida  (04:32)
11  Comb  (04:57)
12  To Parter  (04:20)
13  Tornadoes  (02:35)
locust_abortion_technician Album: 6 of 18
Title:  Locust Abortion Technician
Released:  1987-03
Tracks:  11
Duration:  32:41

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1   Sweat Loaf  (06:09)
2   Graveyard  (02:27)
3   Pittsburgh to Lebanon  (02:29)
4   Weber  (00:35)
5   Hay  (01:50)
6   Human Cannonball  (03:51)
7   U.S.S.A.  (02:14)
8   The O-Men  (03:27)
9   Kuntz  (02:24)
10  Graveyard  (02:45)
11  22 Going on 23  (04:23)
Locust Abortion Technician : Allmusic album Review : The aural equivalent of a nightmarish acid trip and arguably the bands best album (or worst, depending on your point of view), Locust Abortion Technician tops the psychedelic, artsy sonic experimentation of Rembrandt Pussyhorse while keeping one foot planted firmly in the gutter. The record veers from heavy Sabbath sludge (even parodying that band on "Sweat Loaf") to grungy noise rock to progressive guitar and tape effects to almost folky numbers in one big, gloriously schizophrenic mess. Gibby Haynes debuts his "Gibbytronix" vocal effects unit here as well.
hairway_to_steven Album: 7 of 18
Title:  Hairway to Steven
Released:  1988-04-11
Tracks:  8
Duration:  41:26

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1   Jimi  (12:38)
2   Ricky  (02:36)
3   I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas  (04:56)
4   John E. Smoke  (06:40)
5   Rocky  (03:45)
6   Julio Iglesias  (03:05)
7   Backass  (06:07)
8   Fast  (01:35)
Hairway to Steven : Allmusic album Review : The final album for the Surfers legendary run on Touch and Go got a reception probably not even the band figured on -- lead reviews in major music magazines, increasingly higher profiles, and more. As it is, though, Hairway is actually a touch lazy in comparison to the previous releases, sometimes sounding almost all too normal. When it connects, though, Steven works wonders, whether continuing in the punk/psychedelic fusion vein of the past or exploring a gentler, tuneful side. The lengthy opener "Jimi" is the albums high note, and as one might guess from the title its something of a tribute to Hendrix -- at least, if "Third Stone From the Sun" sounded like it was recorded in a sewer tunnel and was even more gone than it already was. Haynes alternately deep and hyper-high-pitched vocals work perfectly against Learys searing, crazed guitar noises, while the Pinkus/Coffey rhythm section lays down a massive beat. Everything concludes with deceptive peacefulness: acoustic guitar, tweeting birds, sounds of bowling, and the like. Other highlights include "I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas," a relatively straightforward, mostly acoustic-plus-rhythm section number sung clearly (!) by Haynes, and the mock live recording "John E. Smokes," with Haynes often sounding like a rural preacher gone mad. The humming guitar buzz of "Backass" and the quick blast of "Fart Song" concludes Steven with vim. As a final note, the song titles themselves cant be found anywhere on the release -- instead, and quite notoriously, a series of cartoon drawings stand in for them. Some are fairly calm, but most show things like nude women displaying their butts and rabbits taking dumps on deer. Juvenile? Of course, but the Butthole Surfers never pretended to be nice and sweet.
widowermaker Album: 8 of 18
Title:  Widowermaker!
Released:  1989
Tracks:  4
Duration:  15:39

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1   Bong Song  (03:41)
2   1401  (02:46)
3   Booze Tobacco  (02:22)
4   Helicopter  (06:47)
double_live Album: 9 of 18
Title:  Double Live
Released:  1989
Tracks:  29
Duration:  2:12:05

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1   Too Parter  (04:03)
2   Psychedelic Jam  (08:41)
3   Ricky  (02:42)
4   Rocky  (03:37)
5   Gary Floyd  (01:47)
6   Florida  (03:43)
7   John E. Smoke  (07:09)
8   Tornadoes  (02:44)
9   Pittsburg to Lebanon  (03:07)
10  The One I Love  (07:55)
11  Hey  (02:30)
12  Dum Dum  (03:00)
13  No Rule  (02:14)
14  U.S.S.A  (04:01)
15  Comb  (08:01)
1   Graveyard  (02:35)
2   Sweatloaf  (05:22)
3   Backass  (06:02)
4   Paranoid  (05:45)
5   Fast  (01:29)
6   I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas  (04:25)
7   Strawberry  (03:25)
8   Jimi  (07:34)
9   Lou Reed  (09:35)
10  Kuntz  (02:31)
11  22 Going on 23  (04:08)
12  Creep in the Cellar  (02:40)
13  Suicide  (01:36)
14  Something  (09:31)
Double Live : Allmusic album Review : Essentially a self-released bootleg, Double Live is a mammoth collection of 29 songs (on the CD version) featuring a cover of R.E.M.s "The One I Love." Unfortunately, the band cant quite duplicate its manic studio sound onstage, given their reliance on tape manipulation and effects, but the album still gets crazy in places.
piouhgd Album: 10 of 18
Title:  Piouhgd
Released:  1991
Tracks:  13
Duration:  51:36

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1   Revolution, Part 1  (02:18)
2   Revolution, Part 2  (07:28)
3   Lonesome Bulldog  (04:42)
4   Lonesome Bulldog II  (00:39)
5   The Hurdy Gurdy Man  (03:58)
6   Golden Showers  (03:17)
7   Lonesome Bulldog III  (00:37)
8   Blindman  (03:40)
9   No, Im Iron Man  (02:25)
10  Something  (02:06)
11  P.S.Y.  (12:12)
12  Lonesome Bulldog IV  (00:41)
13  Barking Dogs  (07:28)
Piouhgd : Allmusic album Review : Shifting to Rough Trade shortly before that troubled label ceased American operations, the Surfers found themselves at something of a crossroads with Pioughd. By this time the legend of the Surfers was taking more precedence than the music itself, resulting in a slightly half-hearted. However, Pioughd included, following its appearance on a single, of their cover of Donovans "Hurdy Gurdy Man." Played live for a number of years beforehand, its a great take, Haynes appropriately trippy vocals floating across a fairly straightforward but still powerful run-through of the music. The groups semi-Black Sabbath obsession reappears with a brief squaller called "No, Im Iron Man," while "Something" is performed as a hilarious Jesus and Mary Chain parody (bizarrely enough a version of that song was first recorded as a demo in 1983). But aside from the lengthy "P.S.Y.," and the CD-only noise collage "Barking Dogs," Pioughd approaches Surfers-by-numbers -- loopy Haynes vocals and squawks, heavy-duty crunt and guitar grunge from Leary and steady rhythmnbeats from Pinkus and Coffey. Its fun, but not as engaging as their earlier releases. Rembrandt Pussyhorse and Hairway to Stevens variety isnt apparent, unless you count the country pisstake "Lonesome Bulldog," though its redone four different times throughout the album -- a sign the band was stretching to fill up the album. As a result, Pioughds best memories come not from songs but moments in them, as when halfway through "Revolution Part 2" the whole band starts chanting "Garry Shandling" for no particular reason and keeps it up for the remainder of the songs length.
independent_worm_saloon Album: 11 of 18
Title:  Independent Worm Saloon
Released:  1993-03-23
Tracks:  17
Duration:  1:02:12

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1   Who Was in My Room Last Night?  (04:09)
2   The Wooden Song  (03:50)
3   Tongue  (02:06)
4   Chewin’ George Lucas’ Chocolate  (00:43)
5   Goofy’s Concern  (03:03)
6   Alcohol  (03:19)
7   Dog Inside Your Body  (03:06)
8   Strawberry  (04:08)
9   Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales  (02:06)
10  Dancing Fool  (02:59)
11  You Don’t Know Me  (02:41)
12  The Annoying Song  (02:40)
13  Dust Devil  (06:39)
14  Leave Me Alone  (02:25)
15  Edgar  (03:34)
16  The Ballad of Naked Man  (06:05)
17  Clean It Up  (08:39)
Independent Worm Saloon : Allmusic album Review : After Pioughds semi-misfire and Rough Trades subsequent collapse, the Surfers were in a surprising position. Not only were they courted and signed to Capitol thanks to the Nirvana-led alternative explosion, they also got high-profile arranger and Led Zeppelin legend John Paul Jones to produce the new album. When Saloon surfaced in early 1993, some accused the band of basically cloning Haynes memorable collaboration with Ministry, "Jesus Built My Hot Rod," for the entire album. Its true that "Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales," simply takes the lyrics from that number and grafts it onto a quick rip from the band, but Saloon is far from a clone of Ministry or anything else. More energetic than the straggling Pioughd and benefiting from Jones brilliant ear and tight, crisp arrangements, Saloon starts with the fierce "Who Was In My Room Last Night?"; from there, the Surfers tear through hilarious and strong numbers. Creating radio-friendly unit shifters was clearly the last thing on the bands mind, as numbers like "The Annoying Song," with Haynes sounding like what a radar dish would do if it could sing, and the wittily solemn acoustic ditty "The Ballad of Naked Man" demonstrate. The Surfers taste for rude grostequerie surfaces throughout -- the foul "Chewin George Lucas Chocolate," the series of vomit sounds that conclude the record after "Clean It Up"s heavy trudge and the extremely disturbing artwork are just a few examples. Combined with numerous examples of Surfer-mania at its finest -- the dipsomaniacal rager "Alcohol," the electric country hoedown "You Dont Know Me" and more -- and Saloon is that rarest of records, a major-label debut that surpasses the indie release preceding it.
the_hole_truth_and_nothing_butt Album: 12 of 18
Title:  The Hole Truth... and Nothing Butt
Released:  1994-09-07
Tracks:  17
Duration:  1:14:52

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1   Butthole Surfer  (03:08)
2   Something  (04:59)
3   Moving to Florida  (04:02)
4   Hurdy Gurdy Man  (02:44)
5   ComeTogether  (00:51)
6   Cherub  (06:08)
7   Graveyard  (03:03)
8   USSA  (04:47)
9   Lady Sniff  (03:30)
10  John E. Smoke  (07:07)
11  1401  (02:42)
12  Psychedelic  (09:58)
13  Bon Song  (03:11)
14  The Wooden Song  (03:31)
15  Pittsburgh to Lebanon  (03:33)
16  The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harveys Grave  (05:56)
17  WNYU Interview  (05:34)
electriclarryland Album: 13 of 18
Title:  Electriclarryland
Released:  1996-05-06
Tracks:  13
Duration:  51:21

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1   Birds  (03:10)
2   Cough Syrup  (04:33)
3   Pepper  (04:57)
4   Thermador  (04:35)
5   Ulcer Breakout  (02:34)
6   Jingle of a Dog’s Collar  (03:08)
7   TV Star  (03:06)
8   My Brother’s Wife  (05:13)
9   Ah Ha  (03:31)
10  The Lord Is a Monkey  (04:46)
11  Let’s Talk About Cars  (04:33)
12  L.A.  (02:46)
13  Space  (04:24)
Electriclarryland : Allmusic album Review : On Electriclarryland, their second major-label album, the Butthole Surfers continue the streamlined direction they began with Independent Worm Saloon, which basically means its a loud guitar rock album. Even though theres potential for the record to become unnecessarily generic, its to the Buttholes credit that they still have the desire to throw enough bizarre wrenches into the machinery to keep most of their diehard audience satiated. Certainly, Electriclarryland will sound way too tame for fans of Locust Abortion Technican and Hairway to Steven, and theyre right, to a certain extent. For listeners accustomed to their unhinged, perverse 80s recordings, there is nothing on this guitar-heavy record to please them. But Electriclarryland is a logical maturation for the band. Its odd to think of the Buttholes maturing, but that is the case with this album. They have a couple of jangly pop numbers that appear to be played relatively straight and the heavier numbers have a piledriving inevitability that make them memorable. In short, Electriclarryland rocks and it rocks hard, with enough energy for bands half of the Buttholes age. And underneath the seemingly normal surface, the Buttholes have thrown in enough jokes and have twisted around enough clichés to prove that the band may mature, but theyll never really grow up.
weird_revolution Album: 14 of 18
Title:  Weird Revolution
Released:  2001-08-28
Tracks:  12
Duration:  1:03:43

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1   The Weird Revolution  (03:36)
2   The Shame of Life  (03:54)
3   Dracula From Houston  (03:43)
4   Venus  (03:55)
5   Shit Like That  (03:18)
6   Mexico  (03:49)
7   Intelligent Guy  (03:04)
8   Get Down  (05:29)
9   Jet Fighter  (02:57)
10  The Last Astronaut  (04:07)
11  Yentel  (03:22)
12  They Came In  (22:23)
Weird Revolution : Allmusic album Review : As a slice of danceable, oddball pop confection, Weird Revolution glides seamlessly along as millenial ear candy -- bizarre, languorous, and utterly surreal. Only a band with such a varied past -- splatter-painted with psychedelia, avant-punk, and hardcore, the acid-damaged scatology of Chrome, the pastoral beauty of acoustic and folk guitar, and the acid guitar pyrotechnics of Led Zeppelin -- could attempt such a massive career about-face. Agreed, when the Beck-ish "Pepper" sailed up the charts in the late 1990s, with its casual, trippy sampled beats, the vast preponderance of old-school fans were aghast. The radio friendly -- not to mention dance club friendly -- Weird Revolution will do nothing to assist those people back into the Butts peculiar belief system. Certainly, an album like this is not without precedent in the bands camp. At the tail end of the 1980s, former bassist Jeff Pinkus and ringleader Gibby Haynes assembled some binary code mish-mash under the name the Jackofficers using little more than a couple of Macintosh computers. And that was merely a lark. This time, one guesses, the band is as serious as a band like the Butthole Surfers could be. Unfortunately, all organic drumming has been cast overboard in favor of the studio friendly ProTools unit. There are numerous occasions of pop brilliance; "The Shame of Life" and the "Sweet Jane"-flavored "Dracula From Venus." Gibby Haynes vocals are the designated focus of Weird Revolution, and even though he has always shown tremendous range in years past, from the disturbing ("Gravyard," "Concubine") to Roxy Music-esque crooning, this time hes flexing his Texas hip-hop muscles. Perhaps this is precisely the album theyve been waiting to make. Perhaps it was a career imperative; the only way to financially salvage a 20-odd year run of genius and mayhem that suddenly went awry, causing everyone involved trouble with the bank. That is forgivable; that is fine. Certain bands, given their dedication and catalog, are nearly exempt from traditional standards, but the near absence of Paul Learys LSD-drenched guitar wizardry is unconscionable, as it had always been the bands most mesmerizing feature. This signals a weird revolution in sound and vision, indeed: from the damaged terror, brilliance, and whimsy of the 80s and early 90s to the ecstacy-lined trenches of electronica.
live_in_fort_worth_july_19th_2002_ridglea_theater Album: 15 of 18
Title:  Live in Fort Worth, July 19th 2002, Ridglea Theater
Released:  2002
Tracks:  21
Duration:  1:39:01

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1   From the Cradle to the Grave  (04:04)
2   Desert  (04:46)
3   John E. Smoke  (06:39)
4   Cough Syrup  (05:07)
5   Suicide  (01:35)
6   Mexican Caravan  (02:36)
7   100 Million People Dead  (04:16)
8   Good Times  (04:00)
9   Negro Observer  (04:04)
10  Cowboy Bob  (02:40)
11  Bar-B-Q Pope  (03:26)
12  Going Down  (05:06)
13  Movin to Florida  (04:26)
14  Cherub  (05:37)
15  Goofys Concern  (02:26)
16  Gary Floyd  (01:50)
17  The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harveys Grave  (09:07)
18  Dust Devil/Something  (10:06)
19  Lady Sniff  (04:13)
20  Comb  (06:26)
21  Noise  (06:31)
humpty_dumpty_lsd Album: 16 of 18
Title:  Humpty Dumpty LSD
Released:  2002-07-11
Tracks:  17
Duration:  1:09:18

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1   Night of the Day  (02:20)
2   One Hundred Million People Dead  (07:22)
3   I Love You Peggy  (03:25)
4   Space I  (05:48)
5   Perry Intro  (01:36)
6   Day of the Dying Alive  (05:46)
7   Eindhoven Chicken Masque  (02:52)
8   Just a Boy  (04:02)
9   Hetero Skeleton  (04:58)
10  Earthquake  (04:55)
11  Ghandi  (02:28)
12  I Hate My Job  (02:04)
13  Space II  (05:11)
14  Concubine Solo  (01:46)
15  All Day  (08:32)
16  Dadgad  (06:00)
17  [untitled]  (00:06)
Humpty Dumpty LSD : Allmusic album Review : Die-hard Butthole Surfers fans are often compelled to own every rare recording that they can dig up, and this disc is one that they will be foaming at the mouth over. Humpty Dumpty L.S.D. is an odd assortment of tracks that span the career of these psychedelic nightmare-weavers, from their early days of cockroaches and megaphones to their more refined and radio-friendly period. A number of songs were initially released on a variety of hard-to-find compilations, such as "Eindhoven Chicken Mask," which appeared on Touch & Gos Gods Favorite Dog compilation, as well as the Butthole Surfers/Daniel Johnston collaboration "All Day," originally located on A Texas Trip. A couple tracks are actually early versions of songs that were recorded at a later date, such as "Day of the Dying Alive," which eventually became "Jimi" from the album Hairway to Steven. Other songs, like "Hetero Skeleton" and "Perry Intro," originated from the recording sessions for the album Rembrandt Pussyhorse. While it is an interesting and enjoyable retrospective, it is also evident why some of the material was never released until now. Its definitely a disc that can be appreciated more by the fanatically inclined rather than the masses looking for a follow-up to their hit, "Pepper," due to the raw and unpolished nature of some of the tracks. Also, a few of the songs are clearly the bare-boned structures of works in progress or ideas that never fully panned out, which tend to come off a bit long-winded at moments. Regardless, it is an interesting disc that follows the turbulent history of one of the worlds most notoriously bizarre and hypnotically frightening bands.
butthole_surfers_ep_live_pcppep Album: 17 of 18
Title:  Butthole Surfers EP / Live PCPPEP
Released:  2003-01-28
Tracks:  18
Duration:  54:21

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1   The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harveys Grave  (02:09)
2   Hey  (02:06)
3   Something  (04:37)
4   Bar-B-Q-Pope  (03:36)
5   Wichita Cathedral  (02:22)
6   Suicide  (01:24)
7   The Revenge of Anus Presley  (02:25)
8   Cowboy Bob (live)  (02:32)
9   Bar-B-Q-Pope (live)  (03:09)
10  Dance of the Cobras (live)  (00:34)
11  The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harveys Grave (live)  (02:26)
12  Wichita Cathedral (live)  (02:45)
13  Hey (live)  (02:17)
14  Something (live)  (07:38)
15  Gary Floyd (live)  (02:02)
16  Matchstick (live)  (03:09)
17  Sinister Crayon  (04:01)
18  Something (demo)  (05:03)
pioughd_widowermaker Album: 18 of 18
Title:  Pioughd / Widowermaker!
Released:  2007-10-16
Tracks:  17
Duration:  1:07:11

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1   Revolution, Part 1  (02:18)
2   Revolution, Part 2  (07:28)
3   Lonesome Bulldog  (04:42)
4   Lonesome Bulldog II  (00:39)
5   The Hurdy Gurdy Man  (03:58)
6   Golden Showers  (03:17)
7   Lonesome Bulldog III  (00:36)
8   Blindman  (03:40)
9   No, Im Iron Man  (02:25)
10  Something  (02:06)
11  P.S.Y.  (12:12)
12  Lonesome Bulldog IV  (00:41)
13  Barking Dogs  (07:28)
14  Helicopter  (06:47)
15  Bong Song  (03:41)
16  The Colored F.B.I. Guy  (02:46)
17  Booze, Tobacco, Dope, Pussy, Cars  (02:18)

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