1978 The Modern Dance R | 1978 Dub Housing R | 1979 New Picnic Time R | 1980 The Art of Walking R |
1981 390 Degrees of Simulated Stereo: Ubu Live, Volume 1 | 1982 Song of the Bailing Man R | 1985 Terminal Tower R | 1988 The Tenement Year SR |
1989 One Man Drives While the Other Man Screams SR | 1989 Cloudland R | 1991 Worlds in Collision SR | 1993 Story of My Life SR |
1995 Ray Gun Suitcase R | 1996 Datapanik in the Year Zero | 1998 Pennsylvania R | 1999 Apocalypse Now R |
2000 The Shape of Things SR | 2002 St. Arkansas R | 2006 Why I Remix Women | 2006 Why I Hate Women R |
2009 "Long Live Père Ubu!" | 2013 Live at the Longhorn April 1, 1978 | 2013 Lady From Shanghai SR | 2014 Carnival of Souls SR |
2015 Elitism for the People 1975–1978 S | 2016 Coed Jail! | 2016 The Hearpen Singles 1975–1977 R | 2016 Architecture of Language 1979–1982 S |
2017 Drive, He Said 1994–2002 S | 2017 20 Years in a Montana Missile Silo SR | 2018 Les Haricots Sont Pas Salés 1987–1991 | |