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Album Details  :  The Delines    3 Albums     Reviews: 

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The Delines
colfax Album: 1 of 3
Title:  Colfax
Released:  2014-04-28
Tracks:  11
Duration:  40:14

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1   Calling In  (05:09)
2   Colfax Avenue  (03:30)
3   The Oil Rigs at Night  (04:22)
4   Wichita Aint So Far Away  (02:31)
5   I Won’t Slip Up  (04:12)
6   Sandman’s Coming  (02:39)
7   State Line  (03:24)
8   Flight 31  (02:58)
9   He Told Her the City Was Killing Him  (04:11)
10  I Got My Shadows  (02:37)
11  82nd Street  (04:41)
scenic_sessions Album: 2 of 3
Title:  Scenic Sessions
Released:  2015
Tracks:  10
Duration:  29:54

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1   Cool Your Jets  (04:19)
2   Im Just A Ghost  (05:55)
3   Gold Dreaming  (02:50)
4   Night Bus  (01:35)
5   Friday Night  (02:15)
6   Saloon Six  (00:46)
7   Sirens In The Night  (04:13)
8   I Wasnt Looking  (03:02)
9   The Piano Player Always Drinks For Free  (00:44)
10  Sunshine  (04:11)
the_imperial Album: 3 of 3
Title:  The Imperial
Released:  2019-01-22
Tracks:  10
Duration:  41:30

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Spotify   TrackSamples    AlbumCover   
1   Cheer Up Charley  (03:26)
2   The Imperial  (05:20)
3   Where Are You Sonny?  (03:58)
4   Let’s Be Us Again  (04:00)
5   Roll Back My Life  (03:30)
6   Eddie and Polly  (04:05)
7   Holly the Hustle  (05:46)
8   That Old Haunted Place  (03:05)
9   He Don’t Burn for Me  (05:13)
10  Waiting on the Blue  (03:03)

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