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Album Details  :  Holly Herndon    3 Albums     Reviews: 

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Holly Herndon
movement Album: 1 of 3
Title:  Movement
Released:  2012-11-13
Tracks:  7
Duration:  35:01

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Terminal  (08:15)
2   Fade  (06:28)
3   Breathe  (05:59)
4   Control and  (02:00)
5   Movement  (04:53)
6   Interlude  (01:03)
7   Dilato  (06:23)
platform Album: 2 of 3
Title:  Platform
Released:  2015-05-15
Tracks:  10
Duration:  49:36

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Spotify   TrackSamples   Allmusic    AlbumCover   
1   Interference  (04:41)
2   Chorus  (05:54)
3   Unequal  (05:11)
4   Morning Sun  (05:20)
5   Locker Leak  (04:14)
1   An Exit  (04:58)
2   Lonely at the Top  (04:31)
3   DAO  (04:12)
4   Home  (05:53)
5   New Ways to Love  (04:37)
Platform : Allmusic album Review : Just as Holly Herndons debut album Movement had abundant layers in its title alone, its follow-up Platform is just as nuanced in how it combines political, technological, and structural and ideological concepts into a single word. She explores all of these ideas in thought-provoking and unsettling ways that expand on Movements fragmented, ethereal approach. On tracks such as "Chorus," which was made from samples of Herndons Internet browsing; "Home," a breathy piece of pop inspired by NSA surveillance, and the eerily erotic sketch "Lonely at the Top," she blurs the line between intimacy and invasiveness, providing commentary on the way humanity and technology interact that elevates Platform into a true work of art.
proto Album: 3 of 3
Title:  PROTO
Released:  2019-05-10
Tracks:  13
Duration:  44:11

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Spotify   TrackSamples   Allmusic    AlbumCover   
1   Birth  (01:14)
2   Alienation  (03:43)
3   Canaan (live training)  (01:36)
4   Eternal  (04:45)
5   Crawler  (05:57)
6   Extreme Love  (02:34)
7   Frontier  (04:29)
8   Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt  (03:11)
9   SWIM  (04:38)
10  Evening Shades (live training)  (01:33)
11  Bridge  (02:48)
12  Godmother  (02:30)
13  Last Gasp  (05:09)

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