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Album Details  :  Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith    8 Albums     Reviews: 

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Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
cows_will_eat_the_weeds Album: 1 of 8
Title:  Cows Will Eat the Weeds
Released:  2012-07-03
Tracks:  7
Duration:  18:25

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1   Milk Thistle  (01:48)
2   Coyote Bush  (01:28)
3   Rabbit Brush  (04:41)
4   Wild Rose  (02:40)
5   Wormwood Sage  (02:24)
6   Yarrow  (02:47)
7   Russian Knapweed  (02:36)
useful_trees Album: 2 of 8
Title:  Useful Trees
Released:  2012-07-04
Tracks:  7
Duration:  21:58

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1   Alder  (03:30)
2   Cedar  (01:57)
3   Spruce  (04:18)
4   Chestnut  (01:38)
5   Ash  (01:29)
6   Oceanspray  (03:44)
7   Oak  (05:22)
tides Album: 3 of 8
Title:  Tides
Released:  2014-01-01
Tracks:  10
Duration:  1:00:47

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1   Tides I  (14:56)
2   Tides II  (04:49)
3   Tides III  (03:30)
4   Tides IV  (02:06)
5   Tides V  (07:11)
6   Tides VI  (06:44)
7   Tides VII  (02:33)
8   Tides VIII  (09:12)
9   Tides IX  (03:25)
10  Tides X  (06:21)
euclid Album: 4 of 8
Title:  Euclid
Released:  2015-01-20
Tracks:  18
Duration:  42:31

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Careen  (03:28)
2   Wide Awake  (03:02)
3   Stunts  (03:53)
4   Sundry  (03:31)
5   Glide  (03:21)
6   Escapade  (03:51)
7   Labyrinth I  (01:30)
8   Labyrinth II  (03:04)
9   Labyrinth III  (02:10)
10  Labyrinth IV  (02:22)
11  Labyrinth V  (01:05)
12  Labyrinth VI  (02:02)
13  Labyrinth VII  (02:55)
14  Labyrinth VIII  (01:30)
15  Labyrinth IX  (00:51)
16  Labyrinth X  (01:04)
17  Labyrinth XI  (01:46)
18  Labyrinth XII  (00:58)
ears Album: 5 of 8
Title:  Ears
Released:  2016-04-01
Tracks:  8
Duration:  38:42

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Spotify   TrackSamples    AlbumCover   
1   First Flight  (04:38)
2   Wetlands  (03:35)
3   Envelop  (04:56)
4   When I Try, I’m Full  (03:56)
5   Rare Things Grow  (03:45)
6   Arthropoda  (03:37)
7   Stratus  (03:04)
8   Existence in the Unfurling  (11:08)
sunergy Album: 6 of 8
Title:  Sunergy
Released:  2016-09-16
Tracks:  3
Duration:  53:56

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1   A New Day  (23:08)
2   Closed Circuit  (12:28)
3   Retrograde  (18:20)
the_kid Album: 7 of 8
Title:  The Kid
Released:  2017-10-06
Tracks:  13
Duration:  51:42

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Spotify   TrackSamples    AlbumCover   
1   I Am a Thought  (01:53)
2   An Intention  (04:00)
3   A Kid  (05:04)
4   In the World  (03:00)
5   I Am Consumed  (00:54)
6   In the World, but Not of the World  (03:57)
7   I Am Learning  (03:15)
8   To Follow & Lead  (04:48)
9   Until I Remember  (04:23)
10  Who I Am & Why I Am Where I Am  (05:20)
11  I Am Curious, I Care  (03:44)
12  I Will Make Room for You  (04:58)
13  To Feel Your Best  (06:20)
tides_music_for_meditation_and_yoga Album: 8 of 8
Title:  Tides: Music for Meditation and Yoga
Released:  2019-01-11
Tracks:  9
Duration:  42:32

Scroll:  Up   Down   Top   Bottom   25%   50%   75%

Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Tides I  (05:08)
2   Tides II  (06:56)
3   Tides III  (03:24)
4   Tides IV  (06:44)
5   Tides V  (06:36)
6   Tides VI  (02:00)
7   Tides VII  (03:20)
8   Tides VIII  (02:31)
9   Tides IX  (05:52)

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