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Album Details  :  Ian William Craig    3 Albums     Reviews: 

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Ian William Craig
meaning_turns_to_whispers Album: 1 of 3
Title:  Meaning Turns To Whispers
Released:  2016-06-20
Tracks:  6
Duration:  43:50

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Spotify    AlbumCover   
1   Lovers; Cascading (Part I)  (08:11)
2   Lovers; Cascading (Part II)  (07:32)
3   Wherever Two Circles Can Be Drawn  (05:53)
4   Open Passage, Closed Passage, Hidden Passage  (07:50)
5   Expanding Hope into Caverns  (10:58)
6   Everything and Tired  (03:26)
centres Album: 2 of 3
Title:  Centres
Released:  2016-07-08
Tracks:  13
Duration:  1:11:50

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Spotify   TrackSamples    AlbumCover   
1   Contain (Astoria version)  (10:04)
2   A Single Hope  (06:26)
3   Drifting to Void on All Sides  (04:14)
4   The Nearness  (07:45)
5   Set to Lapse  (02:47)
6   Power Colour Spirit Animal  (06:28)
7   Arrive, Arrive  (02:39)
8   A Circle Without Having to Curve  (09:52)
9   An Ocean Only You Could See  (06:02)
10  Purpose (Is No Country)  (03:18)
11  It Need Not Be Hopeless  (04:21)
12  Innermost  (03:28)
13  Contain (Cedar version)  (04:21)
durbe Album: 3 of 3
Title:  DurbÄ“
Released:  2017-07-27
Tracks:  4
Duration:  56:21

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1   Requiem for Al Purdy  (22:03)
2   On the Reach of Explanations  (08:37)
3   The Nearness  (21:14)
4   Arrive, Arrive  (04:27)

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