Einstürzende Neubauten![]() | ||
Allmusic Biography : More than any other group, Einstürzende Neubauten embody industrial music in its most literal sense. The German band helped pioneer the genre with an avant-garde mix of white-noise guitar drones, abrasive vocals, and a clanging, rhythmic din produced by a percussion section consisting of construction materials, power tools, broken glass, and various metal objects. Taking Luigi Russolos Futurist manifesto, The Art of Noises, to its logical extreme, the group began assaulting their audiences senses in the early 80s, attacking the stage with jackhammers and occasionally causing property damage. Neubautens radical performances and recordings attracted controversy, but their anarchic spirit and sheer innovation inspired countless musicians (particularly Henry Rollins and Ministrys Al Jourgensen, both of whom infamously sport tattoos of the bands petroglyph-like logo). Following the groups more free-form early recordings such as 1981s Kollaps, Neubautens work became more structured on albums like 1986s Halber Mensch; the rhythms became more danceable, and Blixa Bargeld expanded his vocal style from hoarse shouting to more melodic singing and poetic recitations. The groups music became softer and more electronic, but no less challenging or visionary, beginning with 1993s Tabula Rasa. Much of the groups 21st century undertakings, including 2007s Alles Wieder Offen, have been supported by their loyal fan base. Neubautens war-themed conceptual release Lament appeared in 2014. Einstürzende Neubauten were founded by vocalist/guitarist Blixa Bargeld and percussionist/American expatriate N.U. Unruh in Berlin as a performance art collective; their early activities included a seemingly inexplicable half-naked appearance on the Berlin Autobahn, where the duo spent some time beating on the sides of a hole in an overpass. The groups early lineup also included Beate Bartel and Gudrun Gut (who soon left and founded the new wave band Mania D), plus contributor and sound engineer Alexander Hacke (aka Alexander Van Borsig). Einstürzende Neubautens earliest recordings are mostly unstructured, free-form noise issued on various cassettes and singles, including their first single, "Fuer den Untergang," the 1981 EP Kalte Sterne, and the 1981 album Kollaps. Some of these recordings are compiled on the Strategies Against Architecture 80-83 collection, with live shows on the initially cassette-only 2x4. After Bartel and Gut left in 1981, F.M. Einheit (who served as Neubautens chief machinery operator) and bassist Mark Chung, both formerly of Abwärts, joined the group. A tour of England opening for the Birthday Party resulted in a contract with Some Bizarre Records, which released the slightly more structured Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T., as well as consternation from club owners and journalists over Neubautens stage demolitions and frequent ensuing violence. When Nick Cave left the Birthday Party and formed his backing band the Bad Seeds, Bargeld became the guitarist and toured and recorded with Cave over most of the decade. He remained with Neubauten, however, who released Halber Mensch in 1985, showcasing their wider range of expression. The album included "Yü-Gung," a single that became an industrial club classic, particularly due to its remix by Adrian Sherwood. Two of the groups most acclaimed albums, Fünf Auf der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala (1987) and Haus der Lüge (1989), appeared by the end of the decade. 1991s Strategies Against Architecture II collected tracks from 1984 onward, beginning the groups contract with Mute (and Elektra in the United States). The relatively restrained Tabula Rasa appeared in 1993, and both Chung and Einheit gradually left the group over the next two years. Neubautens music for Werner Schwabs radio play Faustmusik was released in 1996, as was studio album Ende Neu, which was later released by Trent Reznors Nothing label in America. Jochen Arbeit and Rudi Moser, both formerly of Die Haut, joined Neubauten in 1997; additionally, Ash Wednesday became the groups touring keyboardist. Ende Neu Remixes was released during the same year. In 2000, Einstürzende Neubauten embarked on a 20th anniversary tour before releasing the full-length Silence Is Sexy on Mute Records in May. Strategies Against Architecture III, another retrospective covering the bands second decade, appeared in 2001. In 2002, they announced they were no longer interested in working with a traditional label and that their next recording would be made with the help of supporters. These supporters would pay a fee, receive exclusive material, and help fund the next official album. Following Bargelds departure from Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds in 2003, Einstürzende Neubauten released their 2004 album, Perpetuum Mobile, on Mute in order to help finance a world tour. The releases for supporters that appeared over the next few years helped fund the official album Alles Wieder Offen, which was released on the bands own Potomak label in 2007. The label also reissued much of the bands back catalog, in addition to releasing solo projects and other recordings such as 2008s The Jewels. This release was compiled from a series of single-track digital downloads the band offered via its website one at a time using a game called DAVE, where deliberate and enigmatic instructions were inscribed on cards the members drew and generated ideas from -- without telling one another what their cards were inscribed with. They were then used to construct and complete tracks within a day or two. In 2010, Mute released the compilation Strategies Against Architecture, Vol. 4. Neubautens 2014 effort, Lament, was based on music composed for a World War I memorial exhibition held in Diksmuide, Belgium. The career-spanning Greatest Hits appeared in 2016. Grundstück, previously a limited release from 2005, was given a proper reissue in 2018. | ||
![]() | Album: 1 of 37 Title: Stahlmusik Released: 1980-10 Tracks: 9 Duration: 38:04 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Energie (zum Einsturz bringen) (06:16) 2 Eisenmolekül (03:17) 3 Alphabet (04:45) 4 5:48 Tier (05:07) 5 Schönheit der Geschwindigkeit (02:13) 6 Arbeit (01:08) 7 Kein Bestandteil sein (06:59) 8 Kristallines Eisen (03:16) 9 Gut (mit dem Kopf an die Wand) (05:03) |
![]() | Album: 2 of 37 Title: Kollaps Released: 1981-10-05 Tracks: 14 Duration: 38:50 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Tanz Debil (03:19) 2 Steh auf Berlin (03:44) 3 Negativ Nein (02:24) 4 U-Haft Muzak (03:41) 5 Draussen ist feindlich (00:47) 6 Hören mit Schmerzen (02:31) 7 Jet’m (01:24) 8 Kollaps (08:03) 9 Sehnsucht (01:21) 10 Vorm Krieg (00:20) 11 Hirnsäge (01:55) 12 Abstieg & Zerfall (04:28) 13 Helga (00:11) 14 Negativ Nein (live) (04:37) |
Kollaps : Allmusic album Review : Einstürzende Neubautens first album, as one might imagine, is their most primitive and radical effort, the purest expression of their original aesthetic. This makes the album both historically significant and conceptually intriguing, of course, but whats most interesting about this album is that it still sounds surprising decades after its release. Often, albums that are considered extreme art statements upon their debut sound almost quaint a few years later, but while Kollaps perhaps sounds less extreme to ears that heard industrial music turned into disco pabulum by the likes of Nine Inch Nails than it did before, songs like the eight-minute title track and the rumbling live closer, "Negativ Nein," are still a fascinating blend of rhythm and random bashing, tonality and atonality, with anguished vocals by Blixa Bargeld that often seem to have little connection with anything else in the piece. The brief tracks, like the 80-second "Sehnsucht," are even more extreme explorations of pure noise. Starting as early as the next album, Einstürzende Neubauten would begin slowly introducing more mainstream musical concepts into their aesthetic, making Kollaps as undiluted a listening experience as there is in the entire catalog. | ||
![]() | Album: 3 of 37 Title: Stahldubversions (Red) Released: 1982 Tracks: 10 Duration: 18:10 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Rohrbombe (01:03) 2 Futuristischer Dub (01:03) 3 Sado-Maso Dub (03:10) 4 Liebesdub (01:29) 5 Spionagedub (02:11) 6 Mikrobendub (01:46) 7 Gastarbeiterdub (02:46) 8 Rivieradub (02:46) 9 Lünebest (01:16) 10 Untitled (00:40) |
![]() | Album: 4 of 37 Title: Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T. Released: 1983-11-21 Tracks: 16 Duration: 1:00:08 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify AlbumCover | 1 Vanadium-I-Ching (04:56) 2 Hospitalistische Kinder / Engel der Vernichtung (05:10) 3 Abfackeln! (03:29) 4 Neun Arme (02:35) 5 Herde (01:23) 6 Merle (Die Elektrik) (02:22) 7 Zeichungen des Patienten O.T. (03:28) 8 Finger und Zähne (00:19) 9 Falschgeld (02:32) 10 Styropor (02:24) 11 Armenia (05:29) 12 Die genaue Zeit (06:37) 13 Der Herrscher und der Sieger (live) (03:34) 14 Affenroulette (live) (02:55) 15 Durstiges Tier (06:26) 16 Wasserturm (06:27) |
![]() | Album: 5 of 37 Title: 80-83 Strategies Against Architecture Released: 1984-01-23 Tracks: 14 Duration: 41:17 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify AlbumCover | 1 Tanz Debil (03:19) 2 Hören mit Schmerzen (02:31) 3 Mikroben (01:31) 4 Steh auf Berlin (03:44) 5 Zum Tier machen (03:06) 6 Draussen ist feindlich (00:47) 7 Stahlversion (05:36) 8 Schwarz (04:15) 9 Negativ Nein (02:24) 10 Kalte Sterne (04:11) 11 Spaltung (02:25) 12 U-Haft Muzak (03:41) 13 Gestohlenes Band (ORF) (00:17) 14 Schwarz (Mutiert) (03:25) |
![]() | Album: 6 of 37 Title: 2x4 Released: 1984-11 Tracks: 8 Duration: 38:02 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify Allmusic AlbumCover | 1 Fleisch "Blut Haut" Knochen (03:50) 2 Sehnsucht (Nie mehr) (02:26) 3 Womb (05:14) 4 Krach der Schlagenden Herzen (07:48) 5 Armenisch Bitter (08:53) 6 Zum Tier machen (01:57) 7 Sehnsucht (Still stehend) (02:59) 8 Durstige Tiere (04:50) |
2x4 : Allmusic album Review : This is a first-time CD issue of live material from Einstürzende Neubatens early-80s European concerts. This entire recording was performed prior to their U.S. debut in 1984. The presentation is effective in capturing their organized chaos. Not only their effect on industrial music, but their premonitions in applying ambient and world music voices can be heard here. Surprisingly compositional and collectively whole, it is obvious why 20,000 copies of the cassette edition were sold. I can think of no other Neubaten recordings that are as listenable or that show the groups potential as clearly as this one. A darkly beautiful, orchestrated collision of deep rhythms and debris are pressed into service as music. Included are original and updated liner notes. The only drawback to this collection is the sudden, clipped ending to many tracks. | ||
![]() | Album: 7 of 37 Title: Halber Mensch Released: 1985 Tracks: 8 Duration: 35:25 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Halber Mensch (04:13) 2 Yü-Gung (Fütter mein Ego) (07:14) 3 Trinklied (01:15) 4 Z.N.S. (05:38) 5 Seele brennt (04:05) 6 Sehnsucht (zitternd) (02:55) 7 Der Tod ist ein Dandy (06:41) 8 Letztes Biest (am Himmel) (03:22) |
Halber Mensch : Allmusic album Review : Though its a bit less intentionally noisy than previous Neubaten material, ½ Mensch is, in a way, the groups masterpiece. The inspired use of such "traditional" instruments as a grand piano alongside the bands characteristic blazing percussion make for a record similar more to their compositional influences like Stockhausen than their nearest contemporaries, Throbbing Gristle or Cabaret Voltaire. The record that showed Einstürzende Neubaten could rise above the concept of noise for its own sake to reach another level of noise-oriented post-punk music, ½ Mensch is an excellent feat of industrial music. | ||
![]() | Album: 8 of 37 Title: Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala Released: 1987-06-22 Tracks: 7 Duration: 41:44 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Zerstörte Zelle (08:03) 2 Morning Dew (04:55) 3 Ich bins (03:22) 4 MoDiMiDoFrSaSo (04:52) 5 Zwölf Städte (08:38) 6 Keine Schönheit (Ohne Gefahr) (05:07) 7 Kein Bestandteil sein (06:44) |
Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala : Allmusic album Review : Like watching a stalker cleverly follow its prey for miles, only to watch it shy away just short of lodging a knife into the back of the followed, Fünf Auf der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala (Five on the Open-Ended Richter-Scale) is Einstürzende Neubauten at their unsettling, gripping, and tension-ridden best. It was also the groups most subdued and measured work to that point, organic dark ambient that rarely utilized the chaos and cacaphony for which they had become known. You expect the big release during the closer, "Kein Bestandteil Sein," but you dont get it. | ||
![]() | Album: 9 of 37 Title: Haus der Lüge Released: 1989-09-04 Tracks: 8 Duration: 34:31 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Prolog (02:07) 2 Feurio! (05:45) 3 Ein Stuhl in der Hölle (02:09) 4 Haus der Lüge (03:59) 5 Epilog (00:30) 6 Fiat Lux: A) Fiat Lux - B) Maifestspiele - C) Hirnlego (12:23) 7 Schwindel (03:57) 8 Der Kuss (03:38) |
![]() | Album: 10 of 37 Title: Strategies Against Architecture II Released: 1991 Tracks: 23 Duration: 1:32:12 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Abfackeln! (03:29) 2 Partynummer (live) (01:36) 3 Z.N.S. (05:40) 4 Merle (die Elektrik) (02:21) 5 Intermezzo / Yü-Gung (live) (06:18) 6 Seele Brennt (04:11) 7 Blutvergiftung (01:50) 8 Sand (03:30) 9 Kangolicht (04:16) 10 Armenia (live) (04:42) 11 Ein Stuhl in der Hölle (02:09) 1 Vanadium-I-Ching (04:55) 2 Leid und Elend (live) (04:34) 3 Wasserturm (06:27) 4 Armenia II (live) (03:46) 5 Fackeln! (01:56) 6 Ich bins (03:22) 7 Hirnlego (03:09) 8 Wardrobe (02:39) 9 Bildbeschreibung (09:20) 10 Haus der Lüge (live) (04:40) 11 Jordache (00:26) 12 Kein Bestandteil sein (alternative ending) (06:45) |
Strategies Against Architecture II : Allmusic album Review : Complementing the original Strategies collection, this double-disc affair covers the years 1984 to 1990, featuring the noted Bargeld/Unruh/Einheit/Chung/Hacke lineup of the group. With an informative, witty booklet providing a slew of pictures and complete liner notes for each track, Architecture II focuses on the bands continued rude creative health through the rest of the decade, inventing and perfecting a wide variety of approaches that would help define industrial music. Power tools and heavy machinery still get used and abused throughout, Bargelds vocals remain in extremis screeching or nervy, unsettlingly calm semi-crooning, both loud and soft tracks appear with regularity. Its abrasive and strangely beautiful at its best, art music via studio manipulation turned into gripping aural entertainment. As with the first Strategies, studio recordings get mixed with various live efforts as well -- in one instance, a fiery rip through "Haus der Luege" is grafted with the audience reaction from a completely separate concert once the quintet lit the stage on fire! Many highlights appear -- besides the aforementioned "Haus der Luege," there are a number of versions of the fierce "Abfackeln!," a blistering concert take on "Yu-Gung," the centuries-old death shuffle of "Ein Stuhl in der Hoelle." Two interesting diversions capture the sly humor of the group -- first, theres the 1985 studio take on the Lee Hazlewood/Nancy Sinatra song "Sand," partial evidence of Bargelds dual alliance with Nick Cave via the Bad Seeds, perhaps. The liner notes claim that the group "detected a Neubaten feel" in the original -- but if the idea means use of studio sonics, why not? Meanwhile, one of the variants of "Abfackeln!" is a 1988 Jordache jeans ad, of all things -- brief, but amusing, with the stores name bleeped out at the end because they refused to pay up! | ||
![]() | Album: 11 of 37 Title: Tabula Rasa Released: 1993-02-01 Tracks: 8 Duration: 45:31 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Die Interimsliebenden (07:40) 2 Zebulon (03:42) 3 Blume (04:33) 4 12305(te Nacht) (04:12) 5 Sie (06:08) 6 Wüste (04:06) 7 Headcleaner: I. Zentrifuge -- Stabs -- Rotlichtachse Propaganda / II. Einhorn / III. Marschlied... (09:55) 8 Headcleaner: III. ... Das Gleissen -- Schlacht / IV. Lyrischer Rückzug (05:12) |
Tabula Rasa : Allmusic album Review : Einstürzende Neubautens 90s productions may not have been anything like old fans might have expected, but Tabula Rasa tries to maintain the tradition without falling into repetition and instead brings something new to their music. Tabula Rasa is a very diverse album. Even though only songs "Die Interimsliebenden" and "Headcleaner" really stand out, every song has a catch that keeps it interesting. The keyword for Tabula Rasa is "ambience." Neubauten maintain their aggression throughout the end of of the album, and all the power and noise unbend in the 15-minute magnum opus, "Headcleaner." Before that theres 22 minutes of quiet but tight, dark ambient. The opener, "Die Interimsliebenden," may be the only relaxed song on the album, and thats why Tabula Rasa may be difficult to listen to all the way through. The tracks as single songs are very good indeed, but as a whole they form a very tight -- and maybe too tight -- whole. And Blixa Bargelds weird lyrics dont ease the pressures. Tabula Rasa is not a bad album, its just not a masterpiece like Kollaps. | ||
![]() | Album: 12 of 37 Title: Ende Neu Released: 1996 Tracks: 8 Duration: 41:57 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Was ist ist (03:32) 2 Stella Maris (05:21) 3 Die Explosion im Festspielhaus (04:32) 4 Installation N°1 (04:30) 5 NNNAAAMMM (10:59) 6 Ende Neu (05:00) 7 The Garden (05:12) 8 Der Schacht von Babel (02:48) |
Ende Neu : Allmusic album Review : On their 1996 release Ende Neu (ending-new), the quintessential scientists of the post-avant-garde abstain from focusing on listener disintegration tactics as they did on prior albums, but opt instead to hone their craftsmanship in new compositional areas. Some followers of their earlier material might object to the obvious and comparatively conventional song structure and style that is displayed on Ende Neu -- picking up a power tool to highlight a piece rather than centering the entire work around it, or leaving a stage before setting it ablaze -- but the destruction has already been performed, and now they are erecting the brave new anti-building of musical art. Exploring intricate processions of time and toying with melodious harmonies, Blixa Bargeld and Co. seem to have matured gracefully. The opening cut, "Was ist ist," is a furious, fast-paced slander on the constant wanting of mankind while simultaneously serving as a tongue-in-cheek remark on how absolute, scientific power overrules impossibility. From there, Ende Neu continues to musically rewrite the bands style, using familiar topics such as ethereal chaos ("Die Explosion Im Festspielhaus"), cosmic complacency ("The Garden"), revolt ("Installation No.1"), and even a Kafka-esque piece, "Der Schacht Von Babel." This is the first release since the departure of founding band member Mark Chung, and it is obvious that the remaining members have taken the time to contribute to the void left by his departure. Ende Neu delivers a precision-fed matrix of audio-encrypted knowledge in a manner not like the chaotic Neubauten of the early 80s, but more strategic, and more mature. | ||
![]() | Album: 13 of 37 Title: Stahldubversions (Blue) Released: 2000 Tracks: 11 Duration: 30:13 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Sehnsucht (01:55) 2 U-Haft (02:06) 3 Schatten (02:11) 4 Pygmäen (00:52) 5 Schwarz (03:26) 6 Einsame Wölfin (03:18) 7 Schlangensohn (08:01) 8 NN (01:18) 9 Gestohlenes Band (ORF) (00:17) 10 Kollaps (05:52) 11 Bochum (Publikum) (00:57) |
![]() | Album: 14 of 37 Title: Silence Is Sexy Released: 2000-04-03 Tracks: 15 Duration: 1:27:37 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Sabrina (04:39) 2 Silence Is Sexy (07:00) 3 In Circles (02:30) 4 Newtons Gravitätlichkeit (02:01) 5 Zampano (05:40) 6 Heaven Is of Honey (03:54) 7 Beauty (02:01) 8 Die Befindlichkeit des Landes (05:42) 9 Sonnenbarke (07:48) 1 Musentango (02:15) 2 Alles (04:42) 3 Redukt (10:17) 4 Dingsaller (06:16) 5 Anrufe in Abwesenheit (04:15) 6 Pelikanol (18:30) |
Silence Is Sexy : Allmusic album Review : Odds are no one banked on Einstürzende Neubauten lasting 20 years. What were the odds of such a destructive band surviving two decades? Did the Stooges ever stand a chance of writing a song called "1989"? More importantly, who would have thought that the milestone year would see the release of one of Neubautens finest records? Though Silence Is Sexy might retain some of the bands recent song-based developments that have left some fans puzzled, its closest touchstone is 1987s Richterskala. They might not be as unsettling or destructive as they were in their early days, but they still know how to capture the imagination and warp the senses. As with Richterskala, restraint is a key element. The schlock of recent outings is done away with to focus more on stark restraint. Bargeld doesnt really let his vocal chords rip often, and their trademark clangorous overload isnt resorted to much. "Sabrina" is one of the tracks that brings to mind their excellent album from 1987. Swaying strings and plaintive percussive taps frame Blixa Bargelds whispers as he waxes like a bawdier Bryan Ferry. Those who reveled in Neubautens familiar undead bass sound will find the record goes down a treat. At nearly 70 minutes, its a bit sprawling, but it allows the gang to represent every element that has made them vital and influential to experimental music throughout the last twenty years. Irregardless of your pickiness with Neubautens material -- what you like/hate about them -- anyone could piece together 40 minutes of the record for an ace Cliffs Notes version. [Early editions came with a second disc, consisting solely of the 19-minute long "Pelikanol." A scraping, hypnotic track, Bargeld uses his voice as a drone instrument to great effect.] | ||
![]() | Album: 15 of 37 Title: Strategies Against Architecture III Released: 2001-10-08 Tracks: 29 Duration: 2:05:34 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify Wikipedia Allmusic AlbumCover | 1 Zentrifuge (04:48) 2 12305(te Nacht) (04:12) 3 Für wen sind die Blumen? (04:24) 4 Redukt (09:40) 5 Ende Neu (06:18) 6 Blume (04:30) 7 Three Thoughts (Devils Sect) (04:37) 8 Implosion (01:32) 9 Scampi alla Carlina (02:45) 10 Snake (03:35) 11 Alles was irgendwie nützt (08:08) 12 The Garden (05:12) 13 Anrufe in Abwesenheit (04:15) 14 Querulanten (00:58) 1 Architektur ist Geiselnahme (05:03) 2 Helium (03:12) 3 Wüste (Ballet version) (03:49) 4 Der leere Raum (01:59) 5 Was ist ist (04:17) 6 I Wish This Would Be Your Colour (08:12) 7 Bili Rubin (03:00) 8 Die Interimsliebenden (07:16) 9 Installation Nr. 1 (John is mixing) (03:46) 10 Montblanc (00:29) 11 Open Fire (04:28) 12 Salamandrina (02:59) 13 Letztes Bild (03:54) 14 Silence Is Sexy (06:00) 15 Drachen (02:04) |
Strategies Against Architecture III : Allmusic album Review : Much like the first and second installments of Einsturzende Neubautens overview series, Strategies Against Architecture III haphazardly juggles highlights with rarities, live tracks, and unreleased material, doubling as an agreeable state of the union. This third volume covers 1991-2001, a period that saw some upheaval; following the exits of Mark Chung and F.M. Einheit and the death of associate Roland Wolf, Neubauten considered disbanding. Thankfully, the original core of Blixa Bargeld, Alex Hacke, and N.U. Unruh opted to carry on. Throughout the early 90s and into the next decade, the groups sound became less confrontational and less jarring, but it never came close to growing complacent. Neubautens enduring ability to challenge themselves and their audience while remaining as creative as the day they started finding metallic objects to throttle is well-summarized here. Although much of the extra material collected is on par with the proper LP material they released during the period, the compilation isnt without its frustrations. The running order is completely helter-skelter (perhaps thats part of the point), with no sense of flow whatsoever, perhaps altering the effect of each song in a bad way; the scattered live tracks make listeners crave an entirely live disc that captures the experience of a full show; the detailed notes on each track make listeners wish that a similar setup accompanied their non-compilations; the alternate versions of songs arent that alternate; Blixa doesnt scream enough (though he never screams enough). All qualms aside, this digest is solidly stocked with fine experimental music that isnt willfully difficult to digest. Another thing to consider is the attached photo bonanza, which depicts everything from some of Neubautens bizarre musical doohickeys to what appears to be some shots of a family reunion-type event. | ||
![]() | Album: 16 of 37 Title: 9-15-2000, Brussels Released: 2002-10-28 Tracks: 22 Duration: 2:05:58 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic AlbumCover | 1 Silence Is Sexy (06:42) 2 Sabrina (05:25) 3 Dingsaller (05:05) 4 Die Interimsliebenden (06:37) 5 NNNAAAMMM (09:05) 6 Haus der Lüge (03:56) 7 Zebulon (04:06) 8 Newtons Gravitätlichkeit (02:46) 9 Zampano (05:16) 10 Ein seltener Vogel (07:21) 11 Beauty (02:35) 12 Die Befindlichkeit des Landes (05:28) 13 Sonnenbarke (09:05) 1 Der Schacht von Babel (05:12) 2 Redukt (10:08) 3 Jubel (02:14) 4 Musentango (02:39) 5 Alles (05:51) 6 Ende Neu (08:04) 7 Yü Gung (06:56) 8 Installation No.1 (06:38) 9 Salamandrina (04:37) |
![]() | Album: 17 of 37 Title: Gemini Released: 2003 Tracks: 18 Duration: 2:18:30 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Jeder Satz Mit Ihr Hallt Nach (Rampe) (06:19) 2 Ich Bin’s (03:36) 3 Headcleaner (16:39) 4 Alles Was Irgendwie Nützt (Rampe) (08:09) 5 NNNAAAMMM (11:34) 6 Redukt (06:48) 7 Installation No.1 (05:48) 8 Die Explosion Im Festspielhaus (03:29) 9 I Wish This Could Be Your Color (08:50) 1 In Flammen Hoch (Rampe) (04:25) 2 Ich Bin’s (03:46) 3 Headcleaner (16:23) 4 Jeder Satz Mit Ihr Hallt Nach (Rampe) (05:32) 5 NNNAAAMMM (12:23) 6 Redukt (06:03) 7 Installation No.1 (06:09) 8 Die Explosion Im Festspielhaus (03:07) 9 I Wish This Could Be Your Color (09:30) |
![]() | Album: 18 of 37 Title: Perpetuum Mobile Released: 2004-02-09 Tracks: 12 Duration: 1:06:52 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Ich gehe jetzt (03:31) 2 Perpetuum Mobile (13:42) 3 Ein leichtes leises Säuseln (04:32) 4 Selbstportrait mit Kater (06:13) 5 Boreas (04:00) 6 Ein seltener Vogel (09:15) 7 Ozean und Brandung (03:44) 8 Paradiesseits (04:08) 9 Youme & Meyou (04:40) 10 Der Weg ins Freie (04:05) 11 Dead Friends (Around the Corner) (05:15) 12 Grundstück (03:43) |
Perpetuum Mobile : Allmusic album Review : A series of sustained reflections of the day-to-day world, PERPETUUM MOBILE finds Einstürzende Neubauten exploring the subtle power of ambient noise and textures. The group doesnt blaze radically new stylistic ground--gone are the days of bulldozers, jackhammers, and Blixa Bargelds vocal freakouts, along with their accompanying moments of transcendence and catharsis. Nevertheless, the intensity, command of dynamics, and, yes, musicality at the heart of Einstürzende Neubautens sound are on display throughout PERPETUUM MOBILE, a challenging but not self-consciously difficult album that, like all of the groups best work, rewards repeated listens. | ||
![]() | Album: 19 of 37 Title: 2004-04-06: Paris, France Released: 2004-04-06 Tracks: 129 Duration: 2:04:37 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 1 (00:51) 2 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 2 (00:59) 3 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 3 (00:59) 4 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 4 (00:59) 5 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 5 (00:59) 6 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 6 (00:59) 7 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 7 (00:59) 8 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 8 (00:59) 9 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 9 (00:59) 10 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 10 (00:59) 11 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 11 (00:59) 12 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 12 (00:59) 13 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 13 (00:59) 14 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 14 (00:59) 15 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 15 (00:59) 16 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 16 (00:59) 17 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 17 (00:59) 18 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 18 (00:59) 19 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 19 (00:39) 20 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 20 (00:59) 21 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 21 (00:59) 22 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 22 (00:59) 23 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 23 (00:59) 24 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 24 (00:59) 25 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 25 (00:59) 26 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 26 (00:59) 27 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 27 (00:59) 28 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 28 (00:59) 29 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 29 (00:59) 30 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 30 (00:59) 31 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 31 (00:59) 32 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 32 (00:59) 33 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 33 (00:59) 34 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 34 (00:59) 35 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 35 (00:59) 36 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 36 (00:59) 37 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 37 (00:59) 38 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 38 (00:59) 39 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 39 (00:59) 40 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 40 (00:59) 41 2004-04-06: 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2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 63 (00:59) 64 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 64 (00:59) 65 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 65 (00:59) 66 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 66 (00:59) 67 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 67 (00:59) 68 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 68 (00:59) 69 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 69 (00:59) 70 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 70 (00:59) 71 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 71 (00:59) 72 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 72 (00:59) 73 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 73 (00:59) 74 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 74 (00:59) 75 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 75 (00:59) 76 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 76 (00:59) 77 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 77 (00:08) 1 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 78 (00:59) 2 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 79 (00:59) 3 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 80 (00:59) 4 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 81 (00:59) 5 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 82 (00:59) 6 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 83 (00:59) 7 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 84 (00:59) 8 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 85 (00:59) 9 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 86 (00:59) 10 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 87 (00:59) 11 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 88 (00:59) 12 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 89 (00:59) 13 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 90 (00:59) 14 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 91 (00:59) 15 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 92 (00:59) 16 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 93 (00:59) 17 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 94 (00:59) 18 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 95 (00:59) 19 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 96 (00:59) 20 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 97 (00:59) 21 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 98 (00:59) 22 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 99 (00:59) 23 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 100 (00:59) 24 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 101 (00:59) 25 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 102 (00:59) 26 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 103 (00:59) 27 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 104 (00:59) 28 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 105 (00:59) 29 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 106 (00:59) 30 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 107 (00:59) 31 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 108 (00:59) 32 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 109 (00:59) 33 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 110 (00:59) 34 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 111 (00:59) 35 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 112 (00:59) 36 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 113 (00:59) 37 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 114 (00:59) 38 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 115 (00:59) 39 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 116 (00:59) 40 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 117 (00:59) 41 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 118 (00:59) 42 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 119 (00:59) 43 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 120 (00:59) 44 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 121 (00:59) 45 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 122 (00:59) 46 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 123 (00:59) 47 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 124 (00:59) 48 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 125 (00:59) 49 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 126 (00:59) 50 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 127 (00:59) 51 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 128 (00:59) 52 2004-04-06: Paris, France, Part 129 (00:04) |
![]() | Album: 20 of 37 Title: 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette Released: 2004-04-08 Tracks: 125 Duration: 2:01:30 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 1 (00:59) 2 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 2 (00:59) 3 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 3 (00:59) 4 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 4 (00:59) 5 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 5 (00:59) 6 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 6 (00:59) 7 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 7 (00:59) 8 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 8 (00:59) 9 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 9 (00:13) 10 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 10 (00:00) 11 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 11 (01:33) 12 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 12 (00:59) 13 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 13 (00:59) 14 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 14 (00:59) 15 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 15 (00:59) 16 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 16 (00:59) 17 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 17 (00:59) 18 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 18 (00:59) 19 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 19 (00:59) 20 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 20 (00:59) 21 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 21 (00:59) 22 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 22 (00:59) 23 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 23 (00:59) 24 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 24 (00:59) 25 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 25 (00:59) 26 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 26 (00:59) 27 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 27 (00:59) 28 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 28 (00:59) 29 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 29 (00:59) 30 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 30 (00:59) 31 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 31 (00:59) 32 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 32 (00:59) 33 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 33 (00:59) 34 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 34 (00:59) 35 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 35 (00:59) 36 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 36 (00:59) 37 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 37 (00:59) 38 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 38 (00:59) 39 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 39 (00:59) 40 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 40 (00:59) 41 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 41 (00:59) 42 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04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 64 (00:59) 65 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 65 (00:59) 66 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 66 (00:59) 67 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 67 (00:59) 68 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 68 (00:59) 69 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 69 (00:59) 70 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 70 (00:59) 71 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 71 (00:59) 72 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 72 (00:59) 73 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 73 (00:59) 74 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 74 (00:59) 75 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 75 (00:59) 76 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 76 (00:59) 77 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 77 (00:59) 78 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 78 (00:59) 79 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 79 (00:51) 1 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 80 (00:59) 2 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 81 (00:59) 3 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 82 (00:59) 4 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 83 (00:59) 5 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 84 (00:59) 6 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 85 (00:59) 7 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 86 (00:59) 8 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 87 (00:59) 9 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 88 (00:59) 10 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 89 (00:59) 11 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 90 (00:59) 12 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 91 (00:59) 13 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 92 (00:59) 14 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 93 (00:59) 15 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 94 (00:59) 16 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 95 (00:59) 17 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 96 (00:59) 18 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 97 (00:59) 19 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 98 (00:59) 20 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 99 (00:59) 21 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 100 (00:59) 22 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 101 (00:59) 23 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 102 (00:59) 24 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 103 (00:59) 25 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 104 (00:59) 26 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 105 (00:59) 27 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 106 (00:59) 28 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 107 (00:59) 29 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 108 (00:59) 30 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 109 (00:59) 31 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 110 (00:59) 32 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 111 (00:59) 33 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 112 (00:59) 34 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 113 (00:59) 35 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 114 (00:59) 36 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 115 (00:59) 37 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 116 (00:59) 38 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 117 (00:59) 39 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 118 (00:59) 40 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 119 (00:59) 41 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 120 (00:59) 42 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 121 (00:59) 43 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 122 (00:59) 44 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 123 (00:59) 45 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 124 (00:59) 46 04-08-2004, Esch-Alzette, Part 125 (00:04) |
![]() | Album: 21 of 37 Title: Kalte Sterne: Early Recordings Released: 2004-06-07 Tracks: 13 Duration: 54:08 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic AlbumCover | 1 Für den Untergang (04:16) 2 Tan-Ze-Dub (04:12) 3 Zuckendes Fleisch (03:34) 4 13 Loecher (Leben ist illegal) (01:53) 5 Tagesschau-Dub (06:10) 6 Bakterien für eure Seele (03:46) 7 Kalte Sterne (04:13) 8 Aufrecht gehen (03:47) 9 Pygmäen (01:20) 10 Ehrlicher Stein (01:00) 11 Schwarz (04:16) 12 Thirsty Animal (09:05) 13 Durstiges Tier (06:30) |
![]() | Album: 22 of 37 Title: Anarchitektur Released: 2005-03-27 Tracks: 1 Duration: 45:58 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Anarchitektur (45:58) |
![]() | Album: 23 of 37 Title: ½ Mensch Released: 2005-07-18 Tracks: 6 Duration: 28:55 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Armenia (04:44) 2 Sehnsucht (02:59) 3 Abfackeln! (03:23) 4 Zerstörte Zelle (06:54) 5 Die Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T. (03:19) 6 Der Tod ist ein Dandy (07:36) |
![]() | Album: 24 of 37 Title: Unglaublicher Laerm Released: 2005-08-25 Tracks: 2 Duration: 50:54 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 [untitled] (31:22) 2 [untitled] (19:31) |
![]() | Album: 25 of 37 Title: Grundstueck Released: 2005-10 Tracks: 10 Duration: 44:43 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Good Morning Everybody (04:45) 2 Grundstueck: GS 1 (05:02) 3 Grundstueck: GS 2 (02:20) 4 Grundstueck: Unseasonable Weather (03:06) 5 Grundstueck: GS 3 (01:49) 6 Grundstueck: Vox Populi (06:10) 7 Grundstueck: November / Sie laechelt (06:04) 8 Neun Arme / Die Nacht (03:54) 9 Wo sind meine Schuhe? (05:02) 10 Tagelang Weiss (06:26) |
![]() | Album: 26 of 37 Title: Solo Bassfeder Released: 2006 Tracks: 19 Duration: 46:10 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Bassfeder (04:26) 2 Feder Vice (10:10) 3 Geschichte der F. (05:37) 4 Dingfest (03:10) 5 Schlagkraft (03:27) 6 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Salsa (01:02) 7 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Beguine (00:22) 8 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Cascara (00:33) 9 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: ChaCha (00:30) 10 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Guaguanc (00:11) 11 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Slowsoul (00:17) 12 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Guaguanc2 (00:26) 13 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Mixed (00:17) 14 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Motown (00:45) 15 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Pasodoble (00:26) 16 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Polka (00:24) 17 12 Rhythmen für Bassfeder: Samba1 (00:33) 18 Springtime (08:03) 19 Nux Vomica (05:31) |
![]() | Album: 27 of 37 Title: Redux Orchestra Versus Einstürzende Neubauten Released: 2006-04 Tracks: 4 Duration: 35:36 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Keine Schoenheit ohne Gefahr (15:09) 2 Wueste (07:59) 3 Installation No. 1 (10:14) 4 Negativ Nein (02:14) |
![]() | Album: 28 of 37 Title: Kassetten Released: 2006-06-10 Tracks: 18 Duration: 43:54 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Outgoing Message (Berlin 1986 / Reconstructed 2006) (00:20) 2 Incoming Message (Berlin 1986-1989 / Edited 2006) (03:04) 3 Décomposition DUn Placard (Pour Obtenir Une Augmentation Du Comfort De La Couchette) - Paris 29.10.82 (01:46) 4 Diverse Lokationen (Berlin West 1980-1983 / Performance 2006) (08:18) 5 Michael (Floral Park, NY 1983) (00:35) 6 Verbalien (1980-1987 / Performance 2006) (04:43) 7 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - Morgens / Supermarkt (02:01) 8 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - Dusche (00:26) 9 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - TV + Gitarre (00:35) 10 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - Taxi (00:22) 11 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - So 36 (00:58) 12 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - Strasse (00:41) 13 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - U-Bahn (01:35) 14 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - Sendeschluß + Gitarre (00:55) 15 Atmosphären, Berlin (West), April 1980 - Hinterhof (00:18) 16 N.U.s Gästeliste (Berlin 1986-1996) (05:17) 17 Eisengrau All-Stars A (06:39) 18 Eisengrau All-Stars B (05:21) |
![]() | Album: 29 of 37 Title: Klaviermusik Released: 2006-09-01 Tracks: 10 Duration: 45:49 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Die Wellen (03:31) 2 Kinderladenklavier (07:28) 3 Marsch derer die sich wiedernehmen was ihnen sowieso gehört (04:05) 4 Burleske für 6 Hände (05:45) 5 Emmanuelle (07:30) 6 Guerilla für 2 Pianisten (01:43) 7 Virginie (03:04) 8 Filmkuss (02:54) 9 Die Befindlichkeit des Landes (06:23) 10 Katowice (03:26) |
![]() | Album: 30 of 37 Title: Stimmen Reste Released: 2006-12-02 Tracks: 8 Duration: 40:00 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Wir lesen Zeitung (04:32) 2 Kernstueck (19:47) 3 Death (02:00) 4 Tohuwabohu (08:48) 5 Semiotische Musik #5 (00:40) 6 Grillen (01:36) 7 Gestern (02:02) 8 Hawonnnti! (00:35) |
![]() | Album: 31 of 37 Title: Musterhaus 8: Weingeister Released: 2007-04 Tracks: 6 Duration: 32:32 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 2004 Carriddi Bianco, Colosi, Sicilia (05:00) 2 2004 Moscato Giallo, Manincor, Alto Adige (07:02) 3 1997 Cuvée Annamaria Clementi, Ca del Bosco, Lombardia (04:28) 4 2003 Rosso di Bisaccia, Cossentino, Sicilia (06:49) 5 1995 Brunello Riserva, Col DOrcia, Toscana (05:27) 6 1997 Condrieu les Chaillets, Cuilleron, Rhone (03:46) |
![]() | Album: 32 of 37 Title: The Jewels Released: 2007-08 Tracks: 15 Duration: 44:18 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify Allmusic AlbumCover | 1 Ich komme davon (02:36) 2 Mei Ro (02:03) 3 26 Riesen (03:29) 4 Hawcubite (01:32) 5 Die Libellen (01:43) 6 Jeder Satz mit ihr hallt nach (03:45) 7 Epharisto (02:24) 8 Robert Fuzzo (02:39) 9 Magyar Energia (03:03) 10 Vicky (01:46) 11 Ansonsten Dostojewsky (03:01) 12 Die Ebenen werden nicht vermischt (06:28) 13 Am I Only Jesus? (03:33) 14 Bleib (03:24) 15 I Kissed Glenn Gould (02:44) |
The Jewels : Allmusic album Review : The 15 tracks that eventually comprised the 2008 release The Jewels were first made available one at a time only as website downloads at various points between 2006 and 2007 before being compiled onto a standard CD release. Using a game (called "DAVE," for the record) that had both deliberate and enigmatic instructions on each card, the band generated ideas -- without telling each other what their cards were inscribed with -- that were then used to construct and complete tracks within a day or two. Adding another unconventional element to the process, the lyrics were based on dreams. Yet while the methodology might have been unusual, all told the results really arent uncharacteristic of Einstürzende Neubauten, if perhaps not as noisy as what listeners familiar with their most celebrated work might anticipate. Theres not much in the way of conventional pop or rock song melody, of course, but theres a fairly even and creative spread of textures both ambient and clamorous, with both English and (more often) German lyrics that are more spoken than sung in nature. The combination of elements is starker and sparer than in most electronic or ambient music, however, and while the unpredictable and incongruous elements are suggestive of dreams, those dreams are sometimes fairly serene as well as fairly disturbing. Perhaps the most memorable soundbite of the lot is the eerie quasi-prayer chant "am I only Jesus, I am only Jesus" that underscores "Am I Only Jesus?" The CD also includes a 40-minute Quicktime video in which the band, in German, discuss and illustrate the making of the album and the various unusual devices/instruments they used in its creation. | ||
![]() | Album: 33 of 37 Title: Alles wieder offen Released: 2007-10-19 Tracks: 10 Duration: 53:18 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify Allmusic Wikipedia AlbumCover | 1 Die Wellen (03:48) 2 Nagorny Karabach (04:25) 3 Weil weil weil (04:57) 4 Ich hatte ein Wort (04:20) 5 Von wegen (05:38) 6 Lets Do It a Dada (05:54) 7 Alles wieder offen (04:14) 8 Unvollständigkeit (09:03) 9 Susej (04:47) 10 Ich warte (06:09) |
Alles wieder offen : Allmusic album Review : If Einsturzende Neubautens 2007 effort Alles Wieder Offen ("All Open Again") seems to be more of a follow-up to 2000s Silence Is Sexy than 2004s Perpetuum Mobile, it could be because it delivers on ENs 2002 dream of a listener-supported official album. Mobile appeared on the bands usual home label Mute so a tour could be financed. Even if it was hardly a throwaway album, the groups hunger for progress seemed undercut by the use of air horn blasts, metal crashes, and other devices that referenced the sound that made early Neubauten so infamous. Alles, on the other hand, was paid for by "supporters" who received interim recordings and an expanded final product different from the general release with bonus tracks and a DVD. As such, its free to explore the more difficult and subtle side of the bands music. There are moments on Alles where tension escalates into something approaching chaos, and other moments where the rhythms are mechanical, but most of the album sounds like sophisticated modern composition-meets-downtrodden pop song, as if leader and head writer Blixa Bargeld was working on a Threepenny Opera for the 21st century. Displaying Blixas love of irony and wordplay, the title "All Open Again" refers to something less positive than it might sound. Being "open" to a different way of thinking comes at a cost in his songs, as if its a burden. Key track and single "Weilweilweil [Becausecausecause]" questions the "endless set of appeasements" society offers in lieu of answers and represents them with zombie-like chanting of the songs title. "Dont take the advice of those/whove long since frittered their winter fat/of opportunities" it continues, but if principles arent sacrificed in this unforgiving world one gets stuck in the land of "Nagorny Karabach," where Blixa lives "up on my mountain/in my black garden/the enclave of my choice." His lyrics are matched by the equally vivid music. Making great use of basslines, strumming guitars, and sometimes even breathing, Neubauten create something rhythmic instead of just percussive and drive home the solitude theme with stretches of silence. The big eruption of noise comes during the lone sociable song "Lets Do It a Dada," and then its a slow slide down to the insular closer "Ich Warte [Im Waiting]." "Ich Warte" waits for proof that "life is not an error, not error and music" and receives none, but when Blixa declares, "Im waiting for the new language/That will be of use to me" he only needs to look as far as the wonderfully unique album he and his fellow musicians have created. | ||
![]() | Album: 34 of 37 Title: Strategies Against Architecture IV: 2002-2010 Released: 2010-10-22 Tracks: 26 Duration: 2:13:05 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Perpetuum mobile (04:29) 2 Selbstportrait mit Kater (07:48) 3 Ein leichtes leises Säuseln (04:32) 4 Youme & Meyou (05:31) 5 Dead Friends (Around the Corner) (04:59) 6 Insomnia (07:25) 7 Party in Meck-Pomm (02:07) 8 X (04:07) 9 Floorpiece / Grundstück (04:23) 10 Good Morning Everybody (04:42) 11 Waiting for the Call (04:00) 12 Wo sind meine Schuhe? (06:06) 13 GS1 & GS2 (06:38) 14 Palast der Republik (02:34) 1 Sendezeichen Phase 3 (01:02) 2 Tagelang Weiss (06:26) 3 Wenn dann (03:11) 4 Jeder Satz mit ihr hallt nach (03:47) 5 Susej (04:47) 6 Magyar Energia (03:29) 7 Birth Lunch Death (03:22) 8 Weil weil weil (Freie Radikale in der Warteschleife) (03:45) 9 Unvollständigkeit (12:25) 10 Lets Do It a Dada (05:54) 11 Bertolt Brecht und der Weltempfänger (00:28) 12 Musterhaus-Ausstellung (I. Anarchitektur / II. Et cetera / III. Weingeister / IV. Tohu Wa Bohu) (15:07) |
![]() | Album: 35 of 37 Title: Lament Released: 2014-11-07 Tracks: 14 Duration: 1:12:30 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Spotify Allmusic AlbumCover | 1 Kriegsmaschinerie (05:29) 2 Hymnen (02:49) 3 The Willy - Nicky Telegrams (06:23) 4 In de Loopgraf (04:15) 5 Der 1.Weltkrieg (percussion version) (13:13) 6 On Patrol in No Mans Land (03:09) 7 Achterland (03:17) 8 Lament: 1. Lament (06:24) 9 Lament: 2. Abwärtsspirale (02:29) 10 Lament: 3. Pater Pecavi (05:34) 11 How Did I Die? (07:12) 12 Sag mir wo die Blumen sind (03:37) 13 Der Beginn des Weltkrieges 1914 (unter Zuhilfenahme eines Tierstimmenimitators) (05:47) 14 All of No Mans Land Is Ours (02:52) |
Lament : Allmusic album Review : A document of a work designed to be performed live, and not an "official new Einstürzende Neubauten LP proper" according to the band itself, Lament is still a staggering work of soul-crushing genius, a work where a veteran idiosyncratic band takes on a broad topic and communicates myriad emotions while landing on the beneficial end of "art for arts sake." The topic is World War I and the idea that it never really ended, a concept reflected in the grinding gears and scraping metal of the opening "Kriegsmaschinerie," an arguably quintessential Einstürzende Neubauten number considering the bands avant and industrial roots. Still, as the mashed, familiar, and a cappella anthems of "Hymnen" display, there hasnt been anything quintessential about these artists since they dared to plunder the world of composition and classical music. The mashed-up "Hymnen" points out that the German hymn "Heil Dir im Siegerkranz" was spawned out of "God Save the Queen," but as the key cut "Der 1.Weltkrieg" lists the Wars key cities and battles, its obvious that it doesnt matter where you live or who you identify with, some other clan wants you gone, both in space and time. What brings us together tears us apart as well, as the title cut repeats "Macht, Krieg" ("Power, War"), sometimes with a period in the middle, but the punctuation slowly evolves into a comma. War may be inevitable, but that doesnt make it easy, as "Sag Mir Wo die Blumen Sin" faithfully covers Pete Seegers "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" in all its sweet sadness, while "On Patrol in No Mans Land" focuses on the Harlem Hellfighters and their truly selfless sacrifice. Neo-classical, industrial, laptop electronica, and German beer hall music all fit into the mix, and even if it takes a live production (one was held in Diksmuide, Belgium in November of 2014) to get the full Lament installation experience, this audio-only version is still evocative and deep. | ||
![]() | Album: 36 of 37 Title: Greatest Hits Released: 2016-11-25 Tracks: 15 Duration: 1:20:37 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% Allmusic AlbumCover | 1 The Garden (05:13) 2 Lets Do It a Da Da (05:32) 3 Die Interimsliebenden (05:01) 4 Haus der Lüge (New mix / Rec) (04:00) 5 Sabrina (04:40) 6 Sonnenbarke (07:00) 7 Susej (04:46) 8 Total Eclipse of the Sun (03:52) 9 Dead Friends (Around the Corner) (04:50) 10 Die Befindlichkeit des Landes (06:02) 11 Redukt (10:13) 12 Nagorny Karabach (04:25) 13 Salamandrina (03:00) 14 How Did I Die (07:31) 15 Ein leichtes leises Säuseln (04:32) |
![]() | Album: 37 of 37 Title: Grundstück Released: 2018 Tracks: 10 Duration: 44:43 Scroll: Up Down Top Bottom 25% 50% 75% AlbumCover | 1 Good Morning Everybody (04:45) 2 Grundstück: GS 1 (05:02) 3 Grundstück: GS 2 (02:20) 4 Grundstück: Unseasonable Weather (03:06) 5 Grundstück: GS 3 (01:49) 6 Grundstück: Vox Populi (06:10) 7 Grundstück: November / Sie lächelt (06:04) 8 Neun Arme / Die Nacht (03:54) 9 Wo sind meine Schuhe? (05:02) 10 Tagelang Weiss (06:26) |