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Album Details  :  The Young Gods    20 Albums     Reviews: 

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The Young Gods
Allmusic Biography : Swiss electro-noise terrorists the Young Gods traced their origins back to 1982, when Geneva-based frontman Franz Treichler, increasingly bored with his then-current new wave band, began experimenting with a small sampler. Influenced as well by the visceral power of punk and the grand drama of classical music, he began creating abrasive guitar and drum loops, and with sampler Cesare Pizzi and percussionist Frank Bagnoud, founded the Young Gods in 1985; named in an honor of a Swans composition, the trio debuted a year later with "Envoyé!," a brief, blistering single distilling their assaultive sound to its core. Produced by Swan Roli Mosimann, their self-titled debut LP followed in 1987, and was named Album of the Year by the British music weekly Melody Maker; by the time of the follow-up, 1989s LEau Rouge, drummer Use Heistand had replaced Bagnoud, and with the release of 1991s The Young Gods Play Kurt Weill, Pizzi was gone in favor of sampler Alain Monod. T.V. Sky followed in 1992, while 1995s Only Heaven flirted with ambient textures; two years later, the Young Gods (minus Heistand and with new drummer Bernard Trontin) returned with Heaven Deconstruction.
the_young_gods Album: 1 of 20
Title:  The Young Gods
Released:  1987-04
Tracks:  13
Duration:  48:47

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1   Nous de la Lune  (04:33)
2   Jusquau about  (02:34)
3   A ciel ouvert  (01:46)
4   Jimmy  (02:41)
5   Fais la mouette  (04:47)
6   Percussionne  (05:28)
7   Feu  (03:04)
8   Did You Miss Me  (03:22)
9   Si tu gardes  (05:58)
10  The Irrtum Boys  (02:41)
11  Envoyé  (02:15)
12  Soul Idiot  (04:24)
13  C.S.C.L.D.F.  (05:10)
The Young Gods : Allmusic album Review : Even if the uniqueness of the Young Gods sample-based compositional and playing method of heavy rock wasnt a question, the bands debut would still have caught many a discerning ear. While not consistently strong throughout, this self-titled effort has far more hits than misses to its overall credit. Admittedly, things start off a touch underwhelmingly while a dark mood is immediately established with "Nous De La Lune," with low tolling bell sounds, brutal drumming, riff slabs and Treichlers harsh barking of French lyrics, fans of Einsturzende Neubaten and the Swans both would have found much on offer fairly obvious (certainly the fact that ex-Swans member Roli Mosimann has consistently worked with the band throughout its career as producer and collaborator forced the comparison early on, as did the fact the Young Gods named themselves after a Swans song and album). "Jusquau About" takes a far catchier, though hardly poppier turn, and from then on occasional musical cul-de-sacs are shadowed by a series of raging, fierce numbers, with classical and metal guitar samples firing off at each other over stiff drumming throughout. Total standouts include "Jimmy," "Feu," "Si Tu Gardes" and the bands definitive early tune, "Envoye," a barely two-minute-long explosion of percussion, gunshots, a roughly abbreviated hair metal riff and an amazing rant from Treichler. The joker in the pack: a string-sample led version of Gary Glitters "Did You Miss Me?," aka "Hello Hello (Its Good to be Back)."
leau_rouge Album: 2 of 20
Title:  LEau rouge
Released:  1989-09
Tracks:  8
Duration:  33:49

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1   La fille de la mort  (07:58)
2   Rue des tempêtes  (02:51)
3   LEau rouge  (04:20)
4   Charlotte  (02:02)
5   Longue route  (03:41)
6   Crier les chiens  (03:15)
7   Ville nôtre  (04:07)
8   Les enfants  (05:32)
the_young_gods_play_kurt_weill Album: 3 of 20
Title:  The Young Gods Play Kurt Weill
Released:  1991
Tracks:  8
Duration:  32:44

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1   Prologue  (01:47)
2   Salomon Song  (04:07)
3   Mackie Messer  (04:13)
4   Speak Low  (05:13)
5   Alabama Song  (05:50)
6   Seeräuber Jenny  (05:52)
7   Ouverture  (02:50)
8   September Song  (02:47)
t_v_sky Album: 4 of 20
Title:  T.V. Sky
Released:  1992-02-07
Tracks:  8
Duration:  48:19

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1   Our House  (02:52)
2   Gasoline Man  (04:22)
3   T.V. Sky  (03:48)
4   Skinflowers  (05:09)
5   Dame chance  (05:02)
6   The Night Dance  (04:19)
7   She Rains  (02:48)
8   Summer Eyes  (19:55)
live_sky_tour Album: 5 of 20
Title:  Live Sky Tour
Released:  1993
Tracks:  12
Duration:  58:03

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1   Intro  (02:49)
2   T.V. Sky  (03:48)
3   Jimmy  (02:37)
4   Envoyé / Chanson Rouge  (05:02)
5   Leau Rouge  (03:42)
6   Skinflowers  (05:23)
7   She Rains  (02:49)
8   Summer Eyes  (13:39)
9   Pas Mal  (02:57)
10  Longue Route  (04:48)
11  September Song  (04:00)
12  Seeräuber Jenny  (06:24)
Live Sky Tour : Allmusic album Review : Part of the Gods strong appeal -- their masterful ability to incorporate samples from all sources to create their songs, as well as their self-described "sound freak" tendencies in the studio -- would seem to preclude being equally as gripping live. The band has always consistently toured and performed, however, and one listen to this document of a 1992 tour date in Australia demonstrates that for all the technology, the Young Gods can still do the basic job of rocking the house and then some. While some of the picture-perfect edge in the studio versions is understandably lost live, what is most immediately striking is realizing how keyboardist Comet and drummer Use Hiestand function in perfect tandem in performance; your ear hears what sounds like a series of guitarists all playing at once, but its all down to Comet conjuring it out of the computer, and its worth a lifetimes collection of hair metal shredders and thrash brutalists -- all of the power and none of the crap. As for Franz Treichler, hes a powerful rock singer par excellence and doesnt hold back, and together the three simply slay the crowd. A crunching romp through "Envoye" fades spectrally into the string loop from "Chanson Rouge," "Jimmy" and "Skinflowers" rip right along, "Summer Eyes" works just as epically well live as on disc, and the Weill covers "September Song" and "Seerauber Jenny" make for a great closing one-two punch.
kissing_the_sun_the_remixes Album: 6 of 20
Title:  Kissing the Sun: The Remixes
Released:  1995
Tracks:  7
Duration:  39:14

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1   Kissing the Sun (radio edit)  (03:43)
2   Kissing the Sun (Sascha K./KMFDM)  (04:49)
3   Babylon by the Bay (by Meat Beat Manifesto)  (06:08)
4   Acid Trance Core Mix (by Hot Spocksone and June/Trance Corp)  (05:34)
5   Dub the Sun (by Mad Professor)  (04:39)
6   Ray of Hope Mix (by Technogod)  (07:26)
7   Ambient Mix (by Mark Pistel)  (06:51)
only_heaven Album: 7 of 20
Title:  Only Heaven
Released:  1995-06-12
Tracks:  11
Duration:  1:01:22

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1   Outside  (00:31)
2   Strangel  (03:07)
3   Speed of Night  (06:00)
4   Donnez les esprits  (06:17)
5   Moon Revolutions  (16:35)
6   Kissing the Sun  (04:30)
7   The Dreamhouse  (04:52)
8   Lointaine  (04:20)
9   Gardez les esprits  (01:08)
10  Child in the Tree  (04:39)
11  Kissing the Sun (Orange mix)  (09:20)
Only Heaven : Allmusic album Review : Long lumped in with the industrial crowd due to label associations more than anything else, the Young Gods ultimately remain unclassifiable; while signing with Interscope meant some American marketing in the wake of Nine Inch Nails huge breakthrough, the Gods remained their own unique outfit on this, their best album yet. Ranging from the brief, minimal sonic fragments like "Outside" and "Gardez les Esprits" to the acoustic (!) lament "Child in a Tree" to amped-up, overdriven post-techno devastations such as "Strangel" and the moody but charging "Speed of Night," the Gods create a consistently listenable album, demonstrating their considerable ability via variety while always providing songs to hum, sing, or just mentally mosh your head off to. "Kissing the Sun," a reworking of old R&B; hooks like "Gasoline Man" but taken to practically apocalyptic levels both musically and lyrically, balances nearly a cappella verses from Treichler with crunching riffs that sound like Metallica played by Robotech battlecraft. The centerpiece, the 17-minute "Moon Revolutions," takes the epic aspirations of "Summer Eyes" one step further, starting with a typical enough Gods punch before settling into an unsettling ambient midsection that slowly fades back into a pummeling, driving conclusion going at full tilt. Sounding like nothing else recorded that year, Only Heaven more than maintains the unassailable reputation of the Gods as a constantly innovative, forward-thinking band.
second_nature Album: 8 of 20
Title:  Second Nature
Released:  2000-10-30
Tracks:  10
Duration:  52:23

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1   Lucidogen  (04:11)
2   Supersonic  (04:20)
3   Laisser couler (le son)  (05:44)
4   Astronomic  (05:46)
5   Attends  (04:02)
6   In the Otherland  (07:35)
7   Stick Around  (02:54)
8   The Sound in Your Eyes  (05:59)
9   Toi du monde  (08:09)
10  Love 2.7  (03:39)
Second Nature : Allmusic album Review : The Young Gods are the original techno-goth-metal-punk band, having both predated and (apparently) outlasted their disciples, which include Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson. Their ninth album, Second Nature, is perhaps their most techno-oriented to date, yet it still features the wide array of styles that have made them consistently appealing to underground fans. The opening tracks, "Lucidogen" and "Supersonic," are fast-paced industrial dance rockers, with frontman Franz Treichler singing in his trademark breathy and electronically distorted voice through a virtual wall of tightly compressed guitars and pumping bass and drums. "Astronomic" buries the thunderous machine drums under a swirling pool of bass-heavy acid tones, while "The Sound in Your Eyes" combines jack-stepping nu-metal beats with trance-inducing arpeggio synth lines. But far more interesting is when the Young Gods turn their superb songwriting skills into slow dark numbers like "Laisse Couler (Le Son)" and "Toi du Monde," both of which are produced with the careful craftsmanship of excellent dubby techno that could stand on its own even without the vocals. The instrumental ambience of the closing track, "Love 2.7," proves this point. The Young Gods seamlessly tie together the often disparate genres of industrial and electronic, proving that there are two different veins within the same body of electronic music. Fans of both should be pleased.
live_noumatrouff_1997 Album: 9 of 20
Title:  Live Noumatrouff 1997
Released:  2001-05-15
Tracks:  9
Duration:  59:09

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1   Gasoline Man  (04:36)
2   Dame chance  (05:16)
3   Moon Revolutions  (18:55)
4   The Dreamhouse  (05:02)
5   Envoyé  (02:21)
6   Speed of Night  (05:49)
7   LAmourir  (05:44)
8   Fais la mouette  (04:50)
9   Donnez les esprits  (06:36)
music_for_artificial_clouds Album: 10 of 20
Title:  Music for Artificial Clouds
Released:  2004-03-16
Tracks:  12
Duration:  1:10:52

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1   Eregeen  (06:42)
2   Oxiam  (06:12)
3   Arcia  (06:22)
4   Ophiushi  (04:46)
5   Pompom Girl  (06:17)
6   Iwasi  (05:31)
7   Tangram  (04:24)
8   Dew Point Five  (08:15)
9   Double Moon  (04:34)
10  Paucari  (08:32)
11  Magnetosphere  (04:28)
12  Sandvaten  (04:46)
truce_diaries Album: 11 of 20
Title:  Truce Diaries
Released:  2006-11-01
Tracks:  26
Duration:  54:02

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1   Agenda  (00:49)
2   She Rains  (05:07)
3   Freedom  (05:32)
4   Drum Logistic  (00:29)
5   Soft About Time  (00:46)
6   LEau Rouge (Sinfonietta version)  (03:34)
7   Ferry Call  (00:21)
8   Workers  (06:01)
9   Stay With Us (Sitar version)  (04:24)
10  Calcul En Cours  (00:16)
11  Tabla Rasa  (00:59)
12  Copy Left Drum  (00:17)
13  Obrigado Super Ready  (01:29)
14  The Backstage President  (00:07)
15  Freeze Loop  (00:46)
16  About Sines  (01:34)
17  Bucarest  (03:42)
18  La Fille De La Mort  (03:09)
19  Purple Haze  (06:27)
20  Trucs De Jam  (00:18)
21  D-Coding  (01:50)
22  Pre-Freezed  (02:01)
23  The Van Presidents  (00:20)
24  E-Coding  (00:26)
25  Child in a Tree  (02:59)
26  Otism  (00:19)
super_ready_fragmente Album: 12 of 20
Title:  Super Ready / Fragmenté
Released:  2007-04-16
Tracks:  12
Duration:  51:28

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1   Im the Drug  (03:05)
2   Freeze  (02:36)
3   Cest quoi cest ça  (04:04)
4   El magnifico  (03:28)
5   Stay With Us  (04:31)
6   About Time  (05:20)
7   Machine arrière  (01:03)
8   The Color Code  (05:27)
9   Super Ready / Fragmenté  (08:59)
10  Secret  (03:42)
11  Everythere  (03:49)
12  Un point cest tout  (05:18)
knock_on_wood Album: 13 of 20
Title:  Knock on Wood
Released:  2008-04-19
Tracks:  11
Duration:  55:46

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1   Our House  (05:38)
2   Im the Drug  (02:55)
3   Everythere  (04:43)
4   Gasoline Man  (05:07)
5   Speak Low  (04:59)
6   Charlotte  (02:07)
7   Ghost Rider  (12:02)
8   Longue route  (04:22)
9   She Rains  (05:28)
10  Freedom  (04:03)
11  Skinflowers  (04:19)
everybody_knows Album: 14 of 20
Title:  Everybody Knows
Released:  2010-11-05
Tracks:  10
Duration:  50:24

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1   Sirius Business  (00:42)
2   Blooming  (04:48)
3   Mister Sunshine  (07:03)
4   Miles Away  (09:58)
5   Two to Tango  (03:35)
1   No Lands Man  (05:01)
2   Tenter le grillage  (04:51)
3   Aux anges  (02:21)
4   Introducing  (03:53)
5   Once Again  (08:08)
griots_gods Album: 15 of 20
Title:  Griots & Gods
Released:  2010-11-05
Tracks:  12
Duration:  1:05:22

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1   Abandoned Language (Intro)  (06:00)
2   Content to Play Villian  (05:16)
3   About Time (Part One)  (05:23)
4   About Time (Part Two)  (04:17)
5   Kissing the Sun  (05:32)
6   Isolated Stare  (03:45)
7   The Color Code  (09:32)
8   Starved for Truth (Part One)  (04:45)
9   Starved for Truth (Part Two)  (05:06)
10  Secret  (04:45)
11  Abandoned Language (Outro)  (03:44)
12  Im the Drug  (07:17)
limited_box_griots_gods_super_ready_fragmente_tour_20th_anniversary_show Album: 16 of 20
Title:  Limited Box (Griots & Gods | Super Ready/Fragmenté Tour | 20th Anniversary Show)
Released:  2010-12-10
Tracks:  37
Duration:  3:21:46

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1   Abandoned Language (Intro)  (06:00)
2   Content to Play Villian  (05:16)
3   About Time (Part One)  (05:23)
4   About Time (Part Two)  (04:17)
5   Kissing the Sun  (05:32)
6   Isolated Stare  (03:45)
7   The Color Code  (09:32)
8   Starved for Truth (Part One)  (04:45)
9   Starved for Truth (Part Two)  (05:06)
10  Secret  (04:45)
11  Abandoned Language (Outro)  (03:44)
12  Im the Drug  (07:17)
1   Our House  (02:47)
2   Freeze  (02:50)
3   Kissing the Sun  (04:01)
4   About Time  (05:50)
5   Cest quoi cest ça  (05:16)
6   Un point cest tout  (05:25)
7   Everythere  (04:34)
8   Im the Drug  (03:11)
9   Envoyé  (06:38)
10  Summer Eyes  (16:28)
11  Skinflowers  (05:37)
12  Super Ready / Fragmenté  (07:53)
1   Lucidogen (Braindance mix)  (05:26)
2   La Fille de la mort  (08:18)
3   LEau rouge  (03:42)
4   Kissing the Sun  (04:02)
5   She Rains  (05:08)
6   Seeräuber Jenny  (05:57)
7   Moon Revolutions  (10:49)
8   Child in the Tree  (02:33)
9   Skinflowers  (04:49)
10  LAmourir  (04:50)
11  Did You Miss Me  (03:25)
12  September Song  (03:29)
13  Charlotte  (03:26)
super_ready_fragmente_tour_live_rote_fabrik_zurich Album: 17 of 20
Title:  Super Ready / Fragmenté Tour - Live @ Rote Fabrik, Zürich
Released:  2010-12-10
Tracks:  12
Duration:  1:10:30

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1   Our House  (02:47)
2   Freeze  (02:50)
3   Kissing the Sun  (04:01)
4   About Time  (05:50)
5   Cest quoi cest ça  (05:16)
6   Un point cest tout  (05:25)
7   Everythere  (04:34)
8   Im the Drug  (03:11)
9   Envoyé  (06:38)
10  Summer Eyes  (16:28)
11  Skinflowers  (05:37)
12  Super Ready / Fragmenté  (07:53)
20th_anniversary_show_montreux_jazz_festival Album: 18 of 20
Title:  20th Anniversary Show (Montreux Jazz Festival)
Released:  2010-12-12
Tracks:  13
Duration:  1:05:54

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1   Lucidogen (Braindance mix)  (05:26)
2   La Fille de la mort  (08:18)
3   LEau rouge  (03:42)
4   Kissing the Sun  (04:02)
5   She Rains  (05:08)
6   Seeräuber Jenny  (05:57)
7   Moon Revolutions  (10:49)
8   Child in the Tree  (02:33)
9   Skinflowers  (04:49)
10  LAmourir  (04:50)
11  Did You Miss Me  (03:25)
12  September Song  (03:29)
13  Charlotte  (03:26)
live_fri_son_1987 Album: 19 of 20
Title:  Live @ Fri-Son 1987
Released:  2012-11-23
Tracks:  12
Duration:  45:17

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1   Nous de la lune  (05:26)
2   Fais la mouette  (05:07)
3   The Irrtum Boys  (03:03)
4   Jimmy  (02:19)
5   Percussionne  (07:17)
6   Did you miss me  (04:09)
7   Sing sing  (01:20)
8   Feu  (03:40)
9   À ciel ouvert  (02:00)
10  Envoyé  (02:30)
11  Soul Idiot  (05:05)
12  Jusquau bout  (03:21)
data_mirage_tangram Album: 20 of 20
Title:  Data Mirage Tangram
Released:  2019-02-22
Tracks:  7
Duration:  53:39

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1   Entre en matière  (07:14)
2   Tear Up the Red Sky  (07:28)
3   Figure sans nom  (06:10)
4   Moon Above  (06:02)
5   All My Skin Standing  (11:11)
6   You Gave Me a Name  (08:00)
7   Everythem  (07:32)

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